Chapter 3

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After about an hour Chase broke the silence"He isn't gonna wake anytime soon".
"We need to ztay alert vhat if he doez vake up and ve're not alert enough? He could take uz down eazily zhat vay"
"I think the Schneep is right Chase" Jackie argued back.
Jameson signed "maybe we should take turns watching him he doed not look like waking anytime soon"
"Guys as much as i hate to discuss but it's a bad idea to not watch him or to leave one of us to watch him both are terrible ideas." Marvin chimed in
As so another argument got up
But in the meantime
No one has noticed...
That Anti was slowly and weakly starting to push himself up onto his knees as he just blankly watched them all argue
After what felt like 15 minutes Jameson noticed Anti qtaring at them on his knees
Jameson franctically started waving his arms in front of the others to get their attention
They all looked at Jameson and then towards Anti who was currently just sitting on his knees blankly staring straight into Marvin's eyes
An awkward silence over flew them for a minute or two being surprised that Anti made no movement in attacking
Chase made an awkward cough making everyone snap out of their trance
Well every one except for Anti at least who still kept staring blankly at Marvin
Jackie all of the sudden flew forward pushing the demon down hard on the floor he kept punching him in the gut repeatedly
Strangely Anti did not make any movement to fight back..
All he did was release cries and yelps of pain
"Jackie that's enough!!" Marvin cried out trying to pull the hero off
But to no avail
Marvin got out his wand and pointed it directly toward Jackie as he said
"I said that's enough!!" He yelled and Jackie floated up in the air against his will he looked at Marvin a little angry and crossed his arms
Marvin made him float back over to the others before putting his wand back down slowly walking toward Anti who didn't move as he kept laying still staring at Marvin
He may have no expression on his face but Marvin could see in his black eyes that there was a hint of..fear?
"Could you..stand up?"
And as immediatly after Marvin said that Anti stood up wincing slightly but ignored it
To be honest Marvin was still terrified by his glitches and his pitch black eyes
" is it possible that you could uhm..maybe..stop glitching?"
Anti obeyed closing his eyes as surprisingly all the glitches dissapeared from his body leaving his sking color a normal whitish tint instead of greenish and his ears were more viseable this way they looked bigger than usual
When he opened his eyes everyone was met with two glowing green irises
The others who stood behind Marvin looked in shock
The fact that Anti obeyed what Marvin tells him to do was very unusual
Marvin turn towards the others with heavy confusion written on his face
He turns back to Anti
"Uh..can you wait for a second? I gotta discuss something with them real quick" Marvin says turning around to face the others and takes them a little further away from Anti so they can silently discuss whats the matter with him together
"Guys..i think i might've hit some sort of spell on him like..remember how i said i hit him in the head with my wand? could've done something on accident i mean..he doesn't attack us at all...maybe he doesn't remember it either.."
" you zhink you erazed hiz memory"
"Maybe i did"
"No way! He could be pretending!" Jackie shouted
"What if he isn't bro? What if he really doesn't remember anything? Maybe then we can teach him what's good and what's bad. Maybe we can all live together in peace then!" Chase argued instantly
"Pfft him? Good? No way he's a demon demons aren't meant to be good he's the bad guy and he'll always be that no matter what and you know that Chase"
"No i do NOT know how can i know we barely know ANYTHING about Anti himself all we ever knew is that he always tried to get control of us all we NEVER knew why and we NEVER knew how Anti's personality aside from the taking-control is"
Jackie scoffed rather harshy at Chase glaring deadly daggers into him
"Alvright zhats enough you tvo! Ve had enough vor one day alvready Jackie go up to your room now"
"Fine" Jackie scoffed again before walking off upstairs
"Now zhat zhat iz out of ze vay.. az i vould zay Anti iz evil but.. az Chase zaid ve never knew vhat ozher reazon it iz bezides zhe community creating him zhis vay but maybe Chase can be vright vhat if zere iz a possibility zhat ve can teach him i zuppose zhis iz a very risky descision..but i believe zhat ve can help Anti vether Jackie iz against it or not" Schneep stated looking at the 3 other egos in front of him
Silence filled to room untill Jameson signed "we can always try"
"Yeah!" Chase chimed in
"Vhat about you Marvin"
"I....i don't know..but if you guys say so..i'm in" they all turned to where Anti was to see him now sitting on the floor criss cross legged and looking around the room curiously
He had some blood dripping out his mouth as well
Probebly from being beated up by Jackie..
Marvin slowly walked over to him the rest of them following as Marvin kneeled down in front of him
"What's my name?" He asked him
"I..i don't know..sorry"
"You don't know any of our names?"
Anti shook his head no
"Do you remember you're own name"
He shook his head again
"I-i'm sorry sir.."
He shook a little
Probebly still scared of how Jackie had beaten him up
Chase noticed this and slowly walked over sitting carefully next to Anti on his left and slowly dragged an arm around Anti's shoulders making a little attempt at calming him meanwhile Jameson and Schneep stood behind Marvin
Schneep on his left and Jameson on his right
"Hey that's okay.."Marvin said meanwhile standing up again
Chase stood up as well slowly reaching his hand out to Anti for him to stand up
Anti slowly took his hand and stood up
"It iz getting late and it haz been a very rough day ve have an extra room upstairz vhere you can ztay in ve'll tell you more about tomorrowd you need rest but virst i might have to check you u9 vor any bruises and clean zhat blood off your mouth alvright?"
Anti just nodded to the doctors request
"Alvright vollow me" Schneep motioned Anti to follow him to his little office as Jameson waved bye to Anti and went upstairs to his own room as well did Marvin and Chase

  (Time skip till after the check up)

"okay everyzhing zeemz to be vine no broken bones vhatsoever but you have a heavy bruise on you're stomach and your zhigh i zuggest you do not move to much and let it heal on itz own, vhenever it hurtz zo bad zhat you can't handle it tell me i'll give you a painkiller to dim zhe pain"
"..thank you..u-uh.."
"Henrik but everyone here just callz me doctor or Schneep and zo may you now to Anti"
"Ok Henrik..Anti?"
"I know you zon't remember but you're name iz Anti"
"Ok..thank you again"
Schneep sighed trying to get used to Anti being  this way"yeah...velcome come on letz get you to bed" Schneep leades Anti upstairs showing where the room was he talked about earlier as they opened the door it was nothing special there was a bed and a closet plus a nightstand
"Itz not much yet but you can decorate zhe room zome ozher time it hazn't been used bevore zo ve left it zhe vay it vas plus zhere's clozhing in zhe clozet if you want to get changed into zomezhing more comfortable to zleep veel vree to do zo alrvright?"
Anti just nodded meanwhile walking into his new room taking a look around
"Good vell  gutenacht Anti"
"Goodnight Henrik"
Schneep closed the door going to his own room to get some rest himself
Anti had taken a look around the closet changing into some light gray sweatpants and a baggy blue shirt he found as he made his way over to the bed stroking his hand over the covers
"Soft.."he said to himself before laying down onto the bed snuggling into them dozing off almost instantly

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