Chapter 11

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Time passed by as everyone else already came down
James was seated next to Anti having a nice little chat
And by that i mean JJ writing stuff down and Anti to make JJ feel less awkward wrote responses on the same paper
At first Anti didn't really think much of JJ
He seemed always the quiet type
But now they get along with each other he really liked JJ as a friend
Marvin just sat on the couch not really paying attention to anything his eyes were slightly closed
He was still tired he shifted alot in his sleep sometimes ending up on the floor
Jackie was stood in the corner of the room watching the "glitch's" every move
Chase was watching JJ and Anti curious what they would be on about
When it became about 12am (midday not midnight people)
They didn't eat breakfast this time
Chase was on the couch watching some tv
Anti was sprawled out on the floor his attention on the tv as well
JJ had left to the store getting groceries taking Jackie along
Schneep hasn't set a step out of his office yet and Marvin left upstairs
And this went on for a couple hours untill Schneep left his office and entered the living room seeing Chase and Anti seating himself next to Chase
Who was limply slumped into the couch
He looked at Anti who was laying on his back on the floor arms crossed carelessy on his stomach as his head was facing the tv
That was untill JJ bursted through the door with 2 grocerie bags in hand after him Jackie came in with one as well both of them walking into the kitchen to put  them away
It took them about 15 minutes to put everything they got away
Jackie walked out anf scoffed at the sight of Anti before walking up the stairs again
Soon after JJ followed who walked over to Schneep asking if he could come with him to the kitchen once again
It was their turn to make dinner anyways
Tonight's dinner was going to be mac&cheese
Hour later they were done with everything and they called everyone into the kitchen to eat
This time they didn't say in the same seats as they day before
Well except Schneep who still seated next to Anti
But now JJ and Marvin had switched seats
Causing JJ to now sit next to Anti
Marvin wanted to avoid being around him but as much as he wants to he can't
He's the one who putted him in this position anyway..
He shuddered at the thought as the event from 2 days ago replayed in his head once again
Then again..
This was his fault
Or was it?
"All i did was defend myself right? No he stepped in here it was that glitch's own fault... right? ...i wonder why he always tried to remove us"
He pushed all negative thoughts away as he glanced at the demon before starting to eat as well as the others did
Two individuel convertations broke the little awkward silence
Chase, Jackie and Marvin seemed to be talking about visiting Jack some time since it had been awhile since they ever saw him
Meanwhile JJ and Anti listened to Schneeps past expirements and how Robbie had become an actual ego and where hz was at this current moment (ya'll thought i left the zomboy out right well NOPE i don't the poor zomboy deserves to be in stories as well ;3)
The stress Anti had of sitting together again dissapeared as everyone at the table looked happy
Haven forgotten about all the past actions
As they all ginished everyone putted their plates into the sink
Chase did the dishwashes and Anti dried them JJ putted them away
Marvin and Jackie were in the living and Schneep was seated on a kitchen chair watching the ither three work together without any negative comments
After they we're done all 4 of them walked into the the living where Marv and Jackie were
Who had already claimed the tv
JJ suggested they could play monopoly upstairs in his room
(Incase you don't know what that is... Google exists with a reason XD)
All  4 sat down on the floor in JJ's room surrounding the board game as they each picked a pawn (is that how u call it?) And started the game

Time skip till after the game coz Author is to lazy

They putted everything back in its place in the box closing it after as JJ puts it away
"It's getting pretty late dudes i'm headin to bed" Chase said standing up yawning
"He's vright i zuggest ve all go"
Anti nodded in aggreement waving goodbye to JJ as he and the other pair left the room leaving JJ to his own
Everyone went into their own room to get some night rest
Anti in this case layed awake for a couple more minutes thinking about what all happened today
"Today...was a good day" he sighed contently to himself
Later on he heard some steps coming up the stairs and a minute later hearing two goodnights of what he assumed was Marvin and Jackie before two doors closed
Yup..defenitly those two
He dozed off rather quickly

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