Chapter 12

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Anti woke up and practically jumped out of his bed
Hoping this day would be as good as the day he had yesterday
He walked out of his room into the hall seeing the doors of Chase,  Schneep and JJ open singaling that they probebly already were awake
Marvins and Jackies were still closed
This gave Anti an idea as he skiddled back into his room grabbing a piece of paper and a pen writing something on it and walking out sliding the note underneath Jackie's door and then coming down the stairs plopping himself down on the couch
Chase peeked out from the kitchen to see who descended down
"Oh it's just Anti" he said to himself walking to the back of the couch
He smirked softly putting his hands on the demons shoulders wich he slightly jumped at the touch looking up in response
A small smile forming on his lips as he realized it was Chase
"How'd ya sleep" he said making his way around the couch to sit next to him
"Pretty fine also...i don't know why this Jackie hates me so much  so i shoved a note under his door   i feel if i done things that aren't right.. but each time i try to remember there's a weight pushing onto me and the more i try the more i feel like suffocating. Litterly" he looked away for a split second rememvering the feeling shivering at it once again
"Wow wait one thing at a time"
"So your telling me when you try to remember anything you feel like you suffocate right?"
Anti nodded
"Mk i need to discuss that with Marvin later and Jackie yeah just   i think its best to try keeo distance you know what i mean"
"Yeah   i get it i think"
"Alright good wanna grab yerself somethin to eat i'm sure Schneep will tell ya where everything is"
"Yea sure thanks!" He said walking off
In the kitchen he was met by Schneep sipping coffee from his mug anfd JJ was seated at the table eating a sandwich
"Gutemorning Anti"
"Morning! Chase told me i could get something to eat so..uhm    where is what"he laughed a little awkwardly
"Zheres cereal in zhe cabinet on zhe var left in zhe cabinet next to zhat are bowls and plates underneath zhere's ztuff like vorks,knives,zpoons,..." he pointed at the 2 cabinets and the drawer beneath"unless you vant bread like James itz all on zhe table alvready"
Anti opened the cabinet Schneep pointed at earlier and took out a box of cereal (enter cereal that Anti would like)and then took a bowl out of the other cabinet closing them both after then took a spoon from the drawer and sat himself down at the table where JJ was
He poured the cereal in his bowl and took the bottle of milk that was already on the table and poured some in the bowl then mixing it up and started eating a comforting morning-silence overflew the room

               JackieBoyMan POV

I woke up and looked over to my alarm clock
It said it was 10:23am
Wow did i sleep that long?
Well that's new i guess
I stood up and stretched then turned on the light and dressed myself
I walked towards the door but there was a note on the floor?
I picked it up and readed it
"Hey i don't know why you always seem to hate me i don't know what i did wrong neither do i remember anything but what ever i did... i'm sorry - Anti"

Will Jackie be nice to him or not? o.o!? We may not know..
Untill the next chapter!!

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