Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

We walked outside and everything for miles was frozen. Castor touched the cold and smiled to himself, he hadn't tried anything this big since school. We walked to where Everett said the woman was. There, encased in glass was a woman with her hands in the air. I melted everything that was frozen but her arms assuming she was a magician. She had tan skin and long black hair with bright grey eyes. She snarled her teeth going to move her hands. But they were stuck.

"Who are you?" I asked stepping forward,

"Why should I tell you?" she said through gritted teeth.

"Well considering I could just kill you," I said tossing a knife in the air and catching it over and over. She watched Castor with amusement, "what are you? Cavalry" I looked at Castor who remained calm. He took a step towards her putting his hands on her head, "her name is Rowan" he said in a bored voice, "she was assigned to kill you, was once the red cloak but turned good guy and kills assassins. The assassins assassin" he mused. Since when could he do that? I questioned. Her eyes were fixated on Castor now, there were practically flames dancing in them.

"I wasn't actually going to kill you," she said lightly, "I just wanted to scare you, mark you up a bit" I held my knife up to her neck,

"Would you like me to return the favor?" I asked lightly. Her face lost slight color and she gulped, "No" she replied.

"She's lying about marking you up," castor said lightly his hands back on her head. "She was going to recruit you instead." he said out loud, "for what?" he asked closing his eyes tighter. She yelped in pain and she removed his hands. "She is part of a league, a league of assassins, they've wanted you for years but they know you have your own style when she was hired to kill you she and the Auris saw it as the perfect opportunity"

"The Auris"I stuttered, "not possible"

She nodded, "they're alive. they grabbed me before I could become my own and now I play the hero, I don't actually kill them but recruit them, they want to start a society" she turned to Castor, "they'd love you" He blushed,

"Can I have my hands unfrozen now?" she asked in an annoyed voice. I nodded and melted the ice burning her fingertips a bit. Everett was standing a ways behind us with his sword drawn.

"Lemme guess... " I said thoughtfully, "arcane bending minor assassin major, Vision keepers" she nodded, "same for you?" she asked,

I shook my head in disagreement, "double major in assassin and fighting techniques"

"But the fire..."

"We have a trainer of our own, I am a Druidic magician" I replied. She nodded thoughtfully. I motioned for Everett to put his sword down, "we've just decided to trust her?" he asked scornfully,

"Well maybe if you hadn't been cowering 15 feet away you'd realize who she was and would understand what we were doing" I snapped. We walked to the house, Tigris was laying in bed,

"I am sorry," she said, she looked for his scar, "oh did I not hit him?" she asked with some hope. Celeste was sitting by him her hand covered in the blood of him now, it was recharging her. "Did I hit her" Rowan's lip quivered. I hid Celeste behind me,
"No." I said sharply, "she burned herself in the kitchen" Dessielle had Ezra in her arms, he was swaddled in blankets. I might have let her in but that's only because I knew I could kill her, there was no way I was letting her near the kids. "Are they yours?" she asked peaking at Celeste.

"Why do people keep asking that? Do they look like ours?" Tigris mumbled from his sleeping position. Her eyes flitting between me and Tigris, I was blushing,

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