Chapter 5

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"Since when can you do blood magic?" Tigris asked looking me up and down.

"She changed again" Castor said. He looked me up and down, "Mercury"

"Yes?" I asked turning towards him.

"You failed again didn't you?" he asked. I looked in the mirror at my new body. I nodded,

"Apparently so" I whispered. When I was little and first discovered my powers I was a boy, a little 3 year old boy. My body, whenever I fail my body warps and I become a totally new person with different magic. This body felt tighter than the last but shorter which would be good. I get a new alias to go along with my powers. I blushed as Tigris scanned my new body, I am what they call an entity, someone who never dies, their identity changes, it is a gift and a burden.

"Blood magic will get you killed. We have to start over again" he replied packing things. We rode out across the country, we went to a new continent called kanduras. No one had ever heard of the silver dagger. I had to work my way up as the scarlet shot. I pressed my lips shut as I felt the car beat around me. I could feel all the blood that rain for miles in my blood. I was so tempted to use it. Castor looked at me, his hands crossed in front of his chest he was whispering enchantments to protect him and tigris, he knew the blood wouldn't listen to who I wanted it to hurt. The visonkeepers were notified that I was coming back to town and had set me up with my first job, a killing in two months. I had time to train, and to find a trainer. Now that Dessiele was gone we needed someone. The visonkeepers offered their home and we kindly accepted it would be good to be back. We drove up to the stone mansion and smiled as we were greeted by blue, green and purple fairies who offered to carry our bags. We handed them off, Castor snapped his fingers and we were in formal wear. Him in a button down white shirt with a navy blue suit plus a tie. Tigris was in a matching outfit but with a grey suit. I had transformed into an a line white lace knee length dress. On my feet was white heels. I smiled at him and I put my hand in the crook of his arm. We walked in and three wizards stood at the entrance, one a younger man with deep black hair with a full beard and bright blue eyes, his skin very tan. The one in the middle a asian man with a bald head and brown eyes. The girl beside him had white hair that was braided around her soldier, she was pale with blue eyes as bright as the sky. "Adom" I said greeting the one on the left with a hug. We had trained together, I turned to the man in the middle and shook his hand, my professor "Isaiah" Castor and Tigris shook his hand as well. He traced us all up and down and smiled, "some of my best students" he said pulling Castor and I into a hug. He looked and tigris, "and you're looking well" he said with a chuckle. He laughed and hugged him as well. We turned to the pale women, "this is Helena"

"A pleasure" she said shaking our hands.

"What happened to Zofia?" I asked Isaiah.

"She was banished after an incident with a student" he explained not meeting our eyes. We nodded, "while you're here" He said turning to me and castor, "would you mind teaching a few classes?"
"It would be an honor" Castor replied. He turned to the tigris,

"We started a hospital wing specifically for trauma patients, if you'd like to take a look"he nodded. Isaiah didn't love Tigris but he respected him. Adom lead us to our rooms, "since when are you a vision keeper" I asked once he brought me to my room.

"Well after you left I trained in every class I could, eventually I became a teacher, Brock died so I was just supposed to be a substitute but they couldn't find a replacement so they inducted me."

"Congratulations" I said with a grin that reached my eyes. He hugged me again and left me to unpack. The room was small, the walls made of grey stone. A wooden bed, red and gold bedding was placed on it, a wooden dresser sat across from the bed. The window led out to a balcony. Through a door was a small bathroom. There was a bureau beside the dresser. I unpacked everything, I took the diamonds out of the hilt of my daggers, I placed my hand and the hilt turned gold, the gems were then ruby's. The first class I was going to teach was in two hours. Intro to fighting. I changed into a pair of black leggings and a black t-shirt. My hair now too short to put in a ponytail pinned it back out of my face with two little braids. I looked at the curriculum that had been sent to me on an ipad. I practiced and walked down to the arena. The ages ranged from 11-21. "I am Mercury but you will address me as ma'am" I said in a loud voice.

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