Chapter 6

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Classes continued on, some students continued to grow others were hitting a wall. I was getting frustrated with my beginner class. "Champ!" I called out as Mabel lit him on fire. Over the weeks he hadn't gotten better. Mabel had grown strong understanding her powers fully. He jogged up to me after Mabel doused him in water. His attitude had not changed either,

"Leave the vision Keepers, they have no room for you" He snarled at me but bowed. I sent him to Isaiah so he could dispose of him properly. Mabel looked at me with wide eyes,

"He's not staying?" she asked wide eyed,

"He didn't have what it takes" I replied.

"How do you know?"

"Let's call it a gut feeling"

"Is that why you sent Conor away?"

"I sent him to work with my good friend Tigris" I replied, he was at a disadvantage and was getting hurt. Mabel had a big heart and that would get her in trouble. I only had Belle, Mabel,Cash, Mary, and Cezar out of the kids I started with. Out of the five Belle and Mary are the only ones I would move up to Intermediate at the end of the week. Cash was still scared and wasn't doing well I planned on sending him home, Mabel was holding back out of heart I would put her solely in Castor's class, the same with Cezar. My 5 intermediate students had to be moved up by the end of the week as well, I hadn't been impressed with Killian or Athena and would be sending them home. Joy,Justice and Ezra would move up. My final class were to stay advance until I either sent them home or moved them to train one on one with me. Jason was the only one who was not going to train with me individually out of the three. There had been 4 other incidents like the one with Sugar within the last 2 weeks. It was ridiculous and unnecessary. At the end of the week I met with the three head vision Keepers and gave them my report. Isiah smiled as I reported Ezra would be moving up. I pressed my lips together and bowed as Castor shook his head as I said I would be mabel would be moved into his class full time. I walked out of the room and back up to the room I was staying in. My mission was coming up fast and I had to come up with a plan. I couldn't ask for too much but I had to make sure it was flashy. A knock fell upon my door I opened it as Joy and Justice looked back at me from the doorway. "My favorite twins, how are you?" I asked while pulling up two seats to my desk. They each sat, "we discovered something and thought we should tell you" Joy said with a tinge of fear in her voice. "And what is it?" I asked. Justice took off his shirt and turned around his back was covered in braille like bumps but larger. I looked at them, I ran through every class I had taken, they looked so familiar I just couldn't place my finger on it. I took out my phone and texted tigris to come upstairs with his lab kit. In 2 minutes he was there. He ran in and looked at Justice who was shirtless, his sister with a panicked expression on her face and me who had her thinking face on. He took a scanner out of his bag and place it on one of the bumps, he pressed a button and the bump was removed. "Ow" Justice said sharply. He put the bump on his tray and looked again at Justice's back, another had grown in the last ones place. He put on his glasses and they scanned it. "My computer can't identify it" He said.

"When did you notice it happen?" I asked looking at Justice who looked like he was about to punch Tigris.

"Last night, while I was asleep" he replied. "I woke up and I thought oh a pimple and then I looked in the mirror and... well here we are" he said.

"I think we should bring him to Isaiah" I said to Tirgis. He nodded and Joy followed us. Castor was still giving his reviews. "Sorry to interrupt sir but this is potentially a very big emergency."I said bursting through the door. He looked at Justices back, "have you made any enemies while here?" he asked squinting.

"Not that I can think of" he replied. He looked at Joy for confirmation. She nodded agreeing with him. Isaiah then turned to me, "I know you were planning on just moving three from their class on do any of them have the ability to curse?"

"No" I replied. He shook his head and started tracing his hands on Justice's back, an image appeared in the air, it was a girl with bright red eyes twirling her hands over him. I recognized the girl, "bell" i whispered. "But she's in the beginner class-" I clarified looking at Isaiah's stunned face. "Is she normally a demon?" Adom asked. I shook my head 'no'

"But she did demonstrate it in a class in which is was provoked, I think the spirit tries to protect her" I said. Isaiah pressed his hands once more to Justice's body and the dots melted away.

"You're right, that could've been an emergency, especially since you are allergic to venom of spiders correct?" he nodded. "The minute those pods bursts hundreds of them would've been inside your body. They were eggs" Isaiah then turned to me, "you will have to remove Bell from your class" I nodded in agreement and visited her room that evening. I knocked on the wooden door. "Ms. Mercury" she said smiling.

"I am so sorry" I started, her face washed over with fear, "I have to ask you to leave this institution" I said barely audible. She looked at me with fear,

"But why? I have excelled so well in the class"

"I agree. Believe me I agree"

"Then why-" I brought up the footage,

"You unknowingly almost killed another student" she looked at the student processing what happened. She nodded, red arose from her body and a body formed it sat on the window frame. Bell looked at the body with an open mouth. "Who are you?" I asked looking at the body. It turned to me with glowing yellow eyes, " I am Azazel"

"Ok..why have you inhabited my friend bell here" I pushed her behind me stepping closer to the demon.

"I am the monster under your bed.

I am the monster in your head.

I know your every fear

I know what will make you scream

What will make you scream Mercurey" his deep voice chilled me to my core and suddenly his hands were on my temple. He started laughing wickedly backing away. I raised my hands,

"I have no blood for you to take" he said laughing.
"She does though" I replied looking at Bell I winked and she put on a face that showed fear. The demon had protected her for the past 16 years I was betting it wouldn't stop now. His face went cold and I could see his brain working, I pressed on, I was draining her blood slowly and I knew he would stop me before she could actually die. I twirled it in the air wrapping a lasso of dark red blood around his neck.

"I know you wouldn't kill a child"

"That was silver dagger's rules" I said in a strong voice, "I am the scarlet shot, she has done some bad things, I vowed to give no mercy" I said tightening the blood. He touched the blood and it burned him cold.
"Don't hurt her" he finally stated with his last view breathes.
"Why should I listen to you you're nothing but a demon" I said but I loosened the strands a little. The red faded away and a pale boy with dark black hair and black eyes was sitting in its place

"Because I'm her father. I was the monster under the bed. I was a bad person I hurt people. So when I was killed and I then became a demon it wasn't a surprise but I was given a chance to make myself better and save Bell."

"Why hurt Justice then?"

"He is not what he seems"I tightened the blood again at his vagueness, "he will become everything you fear yourself becoming" he said. I snapped the blood snapping the demons neck restoring it back to Bell. I grabbed a jar trapping the soul lingering in it. I sent it down to Tigris for experimentation that night. I slipped Bell out the back door without making her forget about the vision keepers knowing that she could still succeed. I sent her with a golden dagger and she thanked me, "if you ever find yourself in the forest of Auris on a mission make sure to stab this one into the king" I said under my breathe. She nodded and sprinted out into the darkness. I knew that would not be the last time I saw her. I knew Bell was going to become something and as the sky burst red infront of her and she walked into the gates of hell, I knew the demon was right about something. Someone was going to become everything I feared myself to become. I just wasn't sure it was justice. 

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