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You is sitting in one of the aisles as the morning was generally slow with no con activity, you were doing a bit of memory surfing looking through old photos of you with team Prime

"I miss them" u thought to your self as you continued looking through the memories.

Your mind drifted off intently starring at her friends that she didn't hear the incoming pedes steps moving at an intense speed coming closer to her, you were snapped out of your daze by the sound of crashing oil cans u turn your helm to see Blurr barrelling towards you at an incredible speed only inches from you, Blurr jumped hoping to go over you but jumped way to early and was going to crash right into you.

In your shock you lost your balance on the oil can you were sitting on and toppled backwards just missing Blurr by a seconds,

"Sorry!" he calls back as he gets farther away

Im your rage you didn't notice during your fall you opened the can and the continence of oil spilled all over you, your mind was shouting at you to go kick Blurr's aft, but instead you stood up and followed him ready to give him a piece of your mind.

"Just under 30 seconds, you nailed it intern" you hear the fermillar sound of Sideswipe

You peer through the shelves, "Nailed it!" Blurr shouts in excitement they proceed to do a very complex hand shake with way to many movements, you deiced to wait for they to finish before confronting them.

"Didn't i ask you to get these pistons sideswipe?"

You hear Bee say with a bit of anger in his tone of voice, you look down at my oil covered body and sighed knowing that Bee would have to see me like this

"Blurrs rescue team called and asked when Blurr would be back so i figured we end Blurrs internship today with some last teaching moments" Side says trying to give a good reason why he didn't do it himself.

Blurr then continues to list off all of Sideswipes chores that he had done today, I step out from behind the shelf and all optics turn to me,

"You know Blurr maybe you should watch where your going"

You say gesturing to yourself, u could tell that Sideswipe was holding in a laugh you sighed

"Just be more careful"

You say glancing at Bee who was looking at you, your eyes met and Bee quickly glanced back at Sideswipe and continued luxuriating him about doing his chores.

You sighed once more turned and continued back down the aisle that you came from, on your may to the front gate you heard Bee's voice talking to someone else,

"I don't get it, i thought i was one of the bots" Bee said a bit disappointed

"Oh don't i know the feeling, don't let it get to you, it took me a bit to realise i cant be a father and a friend to Russel" you heard Denny try to reassure Bee.

You peered through the shelving you knew it was a bit creepy but i saw Bee not paying attention to Denny but trying to recreate the hand shake that Sideswipe and Blurr did, this kinda weirded you out to see him acting like that but you shook it off and continued on your way to clean yourself off.

You went to the car wash to clean yourself off, you couldn't clean yourself off properly until later when you were covered by dark so you just drove through it hoping to get as much oil off as possible. You got a call from Bee telling you to come back to the scrap yard that he needed me for a mission, u sighed and headed for home.

You drive back the long way but also going as fast as you can trying to dry yourself off before your mission, you pull into the command centre and transformed, water drops fell off of you as you were still soaking wet,


You said looking down at your soaked plating, you walked toward the rest of the team

"So whats the mission?"

You asked everyone was obviously staring at you for being soaked, "Hey i was washing the oil that Blurr split on me, and i was in a rush to get home" you spat crossing your arms.

Bumblebee snapped out of it and explained that You, Strongarm, and him were going to a heavly populated area to recover one of Windblades cashes to get Bee a new decpicon hunter even though i have offered him mine several time he would refuse it every time.

"A mission on my last day i cant go!" Blurr complained,

"Sorry Blurr ill tell you what when i get back ill teach you an awesome move i learned from OPTIMUS PRIME you nail it! in no time, alright"

Bee made 2 thumbs up to Blurr "What?" you thought yourself, "Why was Bee acting so weird latley" again i thought to myself looking back at him he had a really cocky grin on his faceplate.

"Optimus's stuff is always cool but waiting around to lean it, mmmm no so such, lets bounce"

With that Sideswipe and Blurr turned around and left the command center, you watched Sideswipe leave and you were kinda pissed at him. you looked at Bee who had a extremly sad look on his face and knew you cant watch this anymore, You placed a servo on his sholder

"Hey Bee dont worry about them, their kids dont let them get to you".

Bee looks at me then back at the way that Sideswipe and Blurr went, and you, Strongarm, and Bee headed for are mission.

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