The Mission (Pt 1)

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Me, Bee and Strongarm are on are way to Windblades cash where we hope we can get Bee a new decepicon hunter. We find are selfves approcing a bridge to make are way to the location, I look into my rear-view mirrior to see Bee driving very slow compaired to the rest of the cars on the bridge which is apparent and a impacient car honks their horn at Bee, Strongarm notices this aswell and drives beside him to have a word.

"Ahh.....Sir is everything alright? Im tempted to pull you over for driving under the speed limit" Shes askes Bee

Casually driving behind them i try to listen in to there conversation, *You have always had a tendency to listen to others conversations even tho you new it was rude but its a habbit and it was a hard one to break*

"Leme ask you something (Y/N) and Strongarm, but i want an honest awnser" Bee says nerviously

And as pradicted Strongarm goes on about how it what all cadets swear to, and blah blah blah you liked Strongarm really but when she goes off about police polocies and rulez and regulations, much like SideSwipe it boars you to tears, can she just awnser a question regularly for once, but really you had no place to judge u go off about random things from time to time, u have just simply learned to block Strongarm out during these time, its kinda like your special super power.

Bee reluctently asked "Do you and the rest of the team consider"

In your mind u laughed, "really Bee this is thats been buggin u" you thought to yourself.

"Cool....Why are you concerned about that sir?" Strongarm askes a bit confused

"Just tell me what you think Strongarm" Bee replied

"Oh forgotten about me I see" you joking in your mind still listening into this very cringey yet intreging conversation.

"Your not about swagger sir" She added on

When Strongarm said that laughed yet only a small out but u where interally rolling on the floor with imaginary tears in your eyes.

"Your special in your own...old school kinda way" She continued not hearing my laugh from behind

"Old school" Bee asked confused unsure of what Strongarm really ment by that.

Imidiatly Strongarm knew that she messed up and tried to change the topic, aswell as speeding up, you saw this oppratunity to speed up next to Bee, you hoping he will drop the subject and not ask you about it, but unlucky for you he didnt.

When you first drove beside Bee you didnt say anything hoping not to start this again. Of course how Strongarm described it you didnt agree with that one bit, you loved me and his personality even tho hes more serious then he used to be, but he does do things that are fun and what u would call cool, or mayb its just that your older but not as old as bee and had a much higher maturity level then the rest of the team, well besides Drift anyways. You just wished that Bee saw it the same way, *sigh* you'll just have to convice him, "this should be easy" you though to yourself.

"Soo (Y/N)...?" he spoke up

You looked at him but obviously couldnt see it physically, you just sighed "here we go" you thought

"Yah....Whats up Bee?" you responed

"What do you make of this?" he asked

Even though u couldnt see physically u could tell that he was looking at you

'Uhh..." You thought trying to figure out a way to word it

*Sigh*, "so you think the same way as Strongarm does right?" he spoke a but disapointed

"W....what no, i dont think your like that at all Bee" You said with a louder tone

"Really?" he asked a bit suprised

" Yah.... Yes your cool in your own way, a way that they cant quiet understand yet cause their still young and imature, its all about perspective Bee your gonna find people who dosnt like the things that your into and would see you as "uncool", yet you will find some who like your style and things that you generally enjoy and would find you "cool", like for example I like your style and the ways you look and intupret things, and we generally have the same intrests". You glanced over at Bee

He was silent for a moment no doubtilby taking it all in then he spoke, "Wow....I never thought of it like that, thx"

Even though thoes words may have been possitive u could hear the unimpressed tone in this voice, u just sighed and spoke once more before speeding up

"Just let that sink in Bee, and dont take what they say personal alright" You speed up catching up to Strongarm, you glanced back to see Bee speeding up as well and you smiled a bit thinking that your advice may have cheered him up.

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