The Mission (Pt 2)

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-The Deception Sence Happens- (Any one notice that WildBreak is litterly Knockouts and Breakdown chilld *THE LOVE CHILD!*)

You, Bee and Strongarm pull into a storage area we all just summed that Wildblades cash is in one of the respected locking units. We turn the corner to see a decepticon with one of thoes (lol idk the name but like car trailers to haul stuff, u know), and it was filled with weapons and supplies from Windblades cash.

"This con looks as threatening as a school bus" Bee said so confidently

You were taken a back by Bee's statment but you just came to the conclustion that Bee was just that confident that he could take down this con, u were happy to see that Bee was getting his confedence back, now that was the Bee you knew.

Bee transformed spinnin a pair of stasus cuffs in his servo and with that same confident tone said "Cover me cadet" again completley ignoring the fact that you were there

"But Sir souldnt we wait for...." Strongarm stopped in the middle of her sentence after Bee just walked away towards the con, Strongarm and myself transformed and Strongarm doing the responsible thing like always called back to base for reinforcement, yet you thought it was a but uncalled for sence it was 3 agenst 1.

Thats when it hit you, speeding up on te bridge, the new confident tone, the cuff spinning, he didn,t take your advice that mother fricker was going to try and act "cool" you internally cringed and the idea and hoped that it wasnt it but your theroy was proven correct in the past few seconds.

"Check your engine light con, cause im taking you in", He once again said with that so high and might confident voice

You phyically facepalmed and just shook your head in disapointment, "Oh no, why Bee, why!" your thoughts were screaming at you hoping this was all just a dream and that Bee wasn't going through an acutally mid life crysis.

You got lost in your thought about the idea of Bee actually going thorugh that, when you came 2 you saw that there was now 2 decepicons, Bee and Strongarm were a few feet ahead of you in fight possitions, you guessed you missed alot while you zoned out, and before you knew anything you were knocked to the ground by this strange blue soundwave that was making you loose your balance, you could see that it was also affecting the others, When you fell u must of hit your head first cause everything went black.

You awoke to being helped up by Drift and Grim, it took you a few minuted to rembered what happened and you looked around to see the cons gone, you then looked over to see everyone talking.

"I think we can all agree had Blurr and I had been here to take on thoes cons from the start we could have", then proceded to do there long hangshake that honestly was way to complex for you memorize, not that you would want to, they then ended it by saying "Nailed it" at the exact same time.

"Alright we still have a job to do" Bee then added on remeinding them at the task at hand

"Lets Rev up and Roll out" Bee then transformed as did the rest of us, you smiled thinking that Bee had finially gone back to normal, oh you were so wrong.

A/N: Short Chapter Ik im sorry next one will be longer :P

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