11 - And We Eat

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What's the time, anyway ?

Great, it's 12:10 already . "Only five minutes left, Shreya ! Eat while you can !" my brain screams .

As I begin eating my food, I notice that his tray of food isn't there .
"You're not eating ?" I ask .
"Oh, uh ... no . I'm not hungry ." he says .

"For real ?" I ask, surprised, "We've been here for 3 hours, are you really not hungry ?"
"Nope" he answers .

"You know what ? Here, take some of my sandwiches, I'm sure you'll realise their value by the end of your next class ." I say .
"Oh, no, I'm good, really" he says .
"This isn't a humble offer for you to accept or decline. Eat." I say, almost commanding him .

Now, I'm not someone with an overbearing personality, but I know how hard it is to go without food for long .
I've seen my mother go on starving for hours on end and I know how much it sucks . It isn't fun, it's soul-crushing to even watch it, let alone having to go through it .

He's taken aback by my sudden change of behaviour and unable to say anything, picks up a sandwich and begins eating .

At the table beside ours, I can see Shelley smiling suggestively, probably thinking "Ooh, Shreya would be a demanding girlfriend ."
Priya, on the other hand, doesn't react to this because she knows everything .

I start gulping down on my sandwiches and fruit salad rapidly, not caring about my first impression on Rohan .

At this point, I could eat a bowl of uncooked vegetables in front of Jung Hoseok, this is still far more dignified than that .

He doesn't say anything and eats one out of my four sandwiches . Judge me all you want for taking four, but I was just that hungry and can you blame me ? I've been having such an eventful day .

"Take one more" I say .
He opens his mouth to say something, but then closes it and takes another one .

Hah, I guess I scared him with that tone of mine .
That's okay, it doesn't hurt to have your juniors listen to you .

As I'm about to finish drinking the juice, I hear the school bell go off, indicating the end of recess .

I quickly finish it, grab my tray and start walking towards the trash can to throw it . Rohan gets up and starts walking beside me .

"I'm sorry, we could barely talk ." I say .
"It's okay, we can talk later ... or tomorrow ." he says .
"Alright" I say .
"Which class do you have now?" I ask him further .
"Me ? Uh, I probably have Gym ." he says .

"Gym ? Shit, you should've eaten more, then . Mr. Brown is going to drain out all the little energy you might've gained just now ." I say .

"Really ? Maybe he'll go easy on me because it's my first day" he says, with a hopeful look on his face .

"Yeah, no . He might have done that if you were white, but you're not . Even though his last name is Brown, he hates students of colour like anything . It's something we like to laugh at, but are also at the receiving end of ." I tell him .

"Argh, that sucks . Guess I'll die" he jokes .
I don't laugh . I don't find jokes on death funny .

He probably noticed it, but doesn't say anything, perhaps thinking that I didn't hear him .

"Okay, I have English Literature now and before you judge, yes, I am a nerd .
So I'll see you later, all the best ! Also, be sure to make a white friend in your class, you'll definitely be thanking me later !" I say, not waiting for his reply as I walk away from him, ready for my next class .

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