Chapter 5: The League Begins

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Hello everyone, I have one notice. I have changed my username from Saptarshi2003 to MischiefManaged here on Wattpad. The fanfiction username is now MischiefManaged14192. Hope you do not get confused!

I can see that many didn't get the notification for the previous update. Well, this is Chapter 5. Make sure to read Chapter 4 before this if Wattpad Notifications screwed you over.


"Yipee! We are finally here in Lumiose!" Bonnie squealed as she jumped about with Dedenne and Pikachu just ahead of Ash and Aria.

Ash and Aria smiled at the little girl's hyper excited attitude.

"It's good to see her happy again, isn't it, Aria?" Ash asked his female companion, who also was looking at the little girl and the Pokemon with a look of amusement on her face.

"Yes. From what I heard, she's normally like this, isn't she?" Aria asked him.

Ash nodded and continued, "Yeah. The last few months have been tough for her, with what happened with Clemont and Serena. I spent time with her when I could, but there was only so much I could do. She took the split in our group the hardest, in my opinion."

Aria's face turned to one of sadness, but then her smile returned. "Well, if she's happy now, why don't we enjoy it, rather than brooding on the past? Let's get something to eat, I'm sure you're hungry."

As if on cue, Ash's stomach gave a loud growl, making him turn red in embarrassment. "You're right, let's eat." He called out to Bonnie, who of course, knew the city the best, "Hey, Bonnie! Where can we eat? We're hungry."

Bonnie ran over to them with a smile on her face, "Of course you are, Ash. When are you not?" She teased the trainer, causing him to "Hey!" in protest and Aria to giggle.

"Anyways, you don't need to go to a restaurant. We'll go to my house! My mom makes the best food, even better than Clemont!" She informed them.

"Really? Better than Clemont? Well what are we waiting for? Let's go, Pikachu!" Ash called his faithful starter who jumped on to his shoulder as Ash began to run.

Aria somehow stopped giggling and called out before he got too far, "Ash! You don't even know where you're supposed to go!"

Ash stopped abruptly, and walked over to them with his head down. "Right. I forgot."

Bonnie smirked, "I knew it. Follow me." And with that, she ran off.

Aria looked at Ash and smiled, "Come on, we mustn't fall back." She took Ash's hand and began running behind Bonnie with a blush on her face, while poor Ash was literally dragged down the streets by Aria until they reached Bonnie's house.


Bonnie rang the bell and looked at them, her eyes widening in shock, "Aria, why are you holding Ash's hand?" she asked.

Aria looked at their intertwined hands and realized she didn't let go of Ash's hand after they had reached Bonnie's house. She quickly let go of it, blushing madly.

Bonnie looked at the two blushing teens with a evil smile. Guess my 'services' won't be required for these two, she thought mischievously.

Aria, still red, turned to Ash and said, "I'm sorry. I was pulling you along the street and I forgot to let go once we reached."

Ash, also red, replied, "No, it's okay. Actually I..."

Ash couldn't finish as the door opened to reveal a medium sized woman with blonde hair, wearing an apron. She smiled at Bonnie, who rushed forward and took her in a hug,

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