The Day Might go Well

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"He told me to meet him at the place where we first met!"  I yell

"Which is at the playground near school......" Laina continues

"How did they first met again?"

"Remember the first day of school in 1st grade? After school Zoey went to the playground to make some new friends"

"But in the end, Zoey made a new bully"

"I can't believe you still remember that place"

"I could never forget it, that was the day I first met Zach Herron. It changed my life forever"

Unexpectedly Haley lets out a laugh

"I'm sorry Z, but remember all the weird nicknames Zach gave you" She continues laughing

"Ohhhhhh, I could never forget those"  I laugh

"To be honest, my personal fav was Zoey grill teeth"

"Thank you Laina for reminding me of the my braces era" I reply sarcastically


"You got this Zach!"  I say to myself through the mirror  "Just remember to treat her the way you should've treated her in the first place. She would've been your girlfriend by now if you  hadn't been her bully"

"Yo Zach! You've been in the bathroom for quite some time now, you ok?" Someone says through the bathroom door, I could obviously tell its Jonah by his voice

"Yeah bro, I guess I had too much donuts" I reply

"Donuts? Really?"


"Um...ok then. We're going to go to sexy-school -newspaper-girl's party. You going with us?"

"No, I'll sit this one out for now. And we really need a shorter nickname for her"

"Ok then, See you later bro"

I could hear Jonah's footsteps getting farther from the door, but i still refuse to go out. I'll have to wait until I hear the car leave.

Why? Well because I don't want the other guys to see my outfit. I dressed up pretty decent for Zoey.
And I really mean it.....

I'm wearing a button up red and white striped shirt, black jeans that are not ripped, a matching gucci belt and shoes.

I usually never dress up like this, I'll usually be wearing this weird shirt with like printed pics on it, ripped jeans and any kind of cheap belt and shoe I'll find. But no! NOT TODAY...

"You're ready...... You can do this Zach! YOU WANTED TO GET HOME REALLY EARLY FOR THAT GIRL"  I say once more to my reflection before grabbing my phone and texting her...


"We better hurry, Zach said RIGHT after school"  Daphne says as she finishes with my hair

"No he didn't"

"She's right, he just said AFTER school. But he didn't say when exactly" Chloe adds

"So how will you know if he is there?"

"I don't even know...."

suddenly my phone dings and it says that Zach Herron sent you a message

5 Girls Bullied  = Life Trouble // Why Don't We fanficWhere stories live. Discover now