To You, A Trillion Years From Now

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...Sigh... Wow... I can't believe it... we're actually here. Legend of the Seven Lights... wow. It makes you think how fast time goes. And that's sort of a focus on this story. :/ I mean, this'll be the biggest thing since Firstborn. I'm actually nervous. Sigh, okay, let's do it. The long-awaited sequel to Legend of the Eight Firstborn starts now. Heck, looking at how much support that got, I'm... not expecting the same here. But hey, it's a new generation. And I'm writing it, either way.

Chapter 1: To You, A Trillion Years From Now













One trillion years ago, the God of the Universe, Arceus, created all the other gods, who worked to shape the universe with their amazing elemental abilities. As time passed, the gods granted mortal beings the powers of these elements. And with these elements, the mortals shaped their own destinies. Whether they chose the Path of Good, or the Path of Evil, their destinies and their histories were recorded in the Memory of Time.

A terrible tragedy happened, where Arceus fell into a fit of rage, and his essence was scattered. He was revived by the one known as Negatar Gnaa, who used Arceus to bring the cosmos into ruin. But with the guidance of Morgan Catherine, and many noble heroes, and villains, by her side, Gnaa teamed up with his opposite, Aang, and brought Arceus to the light. The universe was brought into a new era of peace.

This is a story that many now know. But what they didn't know... was Arceus created another universe, before creating the other gods. This universe was known as the First Dimension. This dimension was so chaotic, so unbalanced, that Arceus had to seal it away. For without other gods to give it order, it would fall into ruin. And to keep its chaos from leaking into the new dimensions, Arceus sealed it with a powerful lock, made from the most powerful of the elements: Time.

But this was not the only reason Arceus wanted the dimension sealed. Before its imprison... Arceus destroyed the central world of that dimension, with an incredible cataclysm, called the Apocalypse, and ordered the survived inhabitants of that world to design a brand new one. He told them that was where they would live... but as they finished their design of this beautiful new world, he lied. And the Lock of Time kept them sealed away, to prevent beings of this New World from learning the truth.

The gods stole the credit for this world's design, and no evidence of these exiles' existence remained. Because of the gods' balance... the universe entered trillions of years of peace.... however:

Unknown to Arceus, two worlds were created, instead of one. One that existed on a parallel plane, but intersected with the former. And in the process, a second gate, besides the Time Gate. This was known as the Space Gate. With no lock, the unbalanced energy would begin to leak from this gate, and in time, the great cataclysm that destroyed the first world – The Apocalypse – would happen again. And it would've been the Negatar's actions, that would set these events in motion. The great cataclysm that would destroy everyone...

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