6. Pleasure To Make Your Acquaintance

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Chapter 6: Pleasure to Make Your Acquaintance

Cleveland Beach

When a giant warship suddenly drives up onto the shore, you wouldn't expect the beach to be very populace after that. An hour later, it was almost completely empty, Chad, Emily, Violet, and Scarlet examining its barrenness. "Well, I sure don't see 'em here." Scar remarked.

"Well, then he's probably at Timmy and Hikari's house." Chad said surely. "Just call 'em and see how he's doing."

"One problem." Emily replied, already on the cellphone. "Timmy and Hikari apparently haven't come home, yet. Our only other options are Kuki or Sammy's houses."

The four looked as Vi and Scar's daughters, Lilac and Berry, scampered over on all fours. "We can't find Ruppy anywhere!" Lil yelled. "But Berry found a starfish."

"Mmmp-...BLEEEH." Berry indeed barfed a starfish with some sand.

"Ruppy didn't get eaten by DOGGIES, did he?" Lil asked with big watery eyes.

"Don't worry, Lilac." Violet assured. "Rupert's not an ant, he couldn't just be eaten without a trace."

"Beg to differ." Chad eye-rolled.

"Uh!" Emily smacked his chest. "Maybe he's in the cabin of some WOODSMAN! Doing non, woodsy stuff... that would scar a child for life!!"

"Well, how 'bout me and Vi look around the woods and try to find him." Scarlet offered. "Nothing can sneak up on us. And there's plenty of grub." She licked her lips.

"And Lilac? How 'bout you two look around Cleveland and see if they're here!" Violet smiled.

"We WILL, Mommy!" the brown cat pounced.

"We'll sniff 'em out like little tuna." Berry smirked deviously.

"Then I'm taking the skies." Emily said, about to walk off. "Chad, go home in case Rupert's already there."

"Gladly. Anything but play hide-and-seek with Ashland's MOM Association." the father said smugly.

"GRRRRR!" Scar touched a claw to his neck.

"We moms should've handled this to begin with, 'cause Pariah knows YOU can't be trusted!" Emily stated.

"YOU'RE PRAYING TO THE GHOST KING NOW?" all three said with slanted heads.

"YOU GET MY POINT! The four of you just, start looking around, I'll also call the other parents, and Chad, GET THE HELL HOME!"

Emily turned and took a small breath to relieve the stress. Thrusting her arms to either side, the bluish-white ring of light encased her body, transforming her into a pale-skinned phantom with flaming orange hair. She took to the skies that were slowly changing from blue to orange. "...You know, she doesn't even need that form to be scary." Chad noted. Scarlet decided to kick him off his feet before the catgirls headed off.

Quahog; James Woods Elementary

Sector V's C.O.O.L.-B.U.S. came in for landing beside the school's playground as Dillon was already frantic to greet them. "Guys, you made it! I was going to call you, there's trouble!"

"What happened?" Aurora asked. "Place looks like a war happened here."

"Kind of. Maddy and Drake Puncture got kidnapped by aliens!"

"Huh?! What aliens?"

"I dunno, this little green thing inside a robot, had a bunch of other robots with him. They were apparently working for some 'Dr. Nefarious' guy."

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