The beginging

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     The girl ran her finger slowly against the hard surface she was laying on. She went to sit up, but she couldn't raise her neck. Suddenly the memories came back, and she remembered who had taken her, but they didn't know how powerful she was. For that reason, their first mistake was coming in the room. For the moment she saw a person they had no choice, but to undo her restraints and let her out. The only problem was, when she left the building; what was waiting for her is where I soon will be....
      "Honey, you're going to be late for your bus!" My mother yells. I quickly put on my winter coat, grab my bag, and head out the door. The bus comes down the road and slowly stops trying not to slide on the ice. Perfect timing i think just as the bus pulls to a stop.
      The bus driver opens the door and says "Good morning!" I smile and nod in return. I climb the stairs and sit in my normal seat.
      "Carson is that you?" My best friend asks. Michael and I have been friends forever and finally Christmas break is over.
     I smile and nod at him. "How was vacation in Europe with your dad?" I ask. Just as Michael begins to respond a loud honk from a semi and bright headlights is all I can see.
      And that's how I ended up here... with her.

The TrialsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz