My Ability

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     In the morning, when the room shakes i get ready first and leave the room without waiting for my roommates, at least what's left of them. I should of helped them as soon as i was done with the last trial, but i hesitated. They could all still be here, but i failed. It is my fault.
      I find Ava, i have to tell her that i know. She told me i wasn't strong enough to know that i have never met my biological father. How could she think that? "I know." I say to her.
      She tilts her head to the side trying to decide if i really know. "I know that the father i've had my whole entire life isn't my biological father."
     Relief spreads across her face. Why would she be relieved if she didn't want me to know. "I'm so glad you found out on your own." Leah says with a laugh.
      Leah stands up and walks over to me. She leans into my ear, "Want to know who?" She asks.
      I turn my head to her. Does she know? "Yes." I say.
      Leah smiles, "Yeah i'm quite curious myself." Leah laughs and walks over towards Jackson.
     Ava looks at me. "We'll help you find out."
    Training, again. This time we are supposed to find out what our unique ability is. What does that even mean. Ava says that she will go first. She looks at me. "Why isn't it working?"
     Michael walks over to her. "It doesn't work on anyone that is or ever has been a part of the six."
     Michael has one of the other kids come over. This time when Ava look at him he start doing jumping jacks. Then Ava looks at several kids in the room soon half the room is doing jumping jacks. Jackson laughs, "So, she can make people do jumping jacks?"
      Michael's father laughs, "No she can make them do anything, but it's more like an urge if the being truly doesn't want to they can resist,but it is difficult. This power normally drains the user's energy." How are we supposed to figure it out, i wonder.
    For the rest of the day some people find their unique power. Then when i'm watching Mae throw a fireball that came out of her hand. I decide to try. I manage to make a flame appear. I try again this time i manage to make to flame grow till i have a huge cloud of fire sitting on my hand.  "That is amazing!" Jackson says while looking at the fire I created.
      Mae leaves the room to go get a drink. "Try it again." Jackson says.
      This time when I go to create a flame nothing happens, nothing. "It's okay not everyone masters their skill on the first day. I mean usually they can show some form of it... but you'll get it; maybe..." Michael says with a big smirk on his face.
     The rest of the week is training and sometimes I make a huge ball of fire; twice the size of Mae's, but other times I can't even make a flame. I look all around me everyone else can at least show some form of their ability when they want to. I wish I could be like Ava I imitate her. I look at one of the people in the room and think do jumping jacks and what they do next almost makes me fall because in that moment everyone in the room is doing jumping jacks, except the six of course. One of the kids yells, "Ava stop!"
     Ava laughs, "It's not me."
     This time I laugh, "STOP!"
     Immediately everyone in  the room stops. "You... did that." Michaels says while pointing at all of the people in the room.
     I open my mouth to say something then I change my mind. This time I am one step ahead. There was no way on god's green earth, if that is still where we are, that I was going to reveal how I indeed got a step ahead. I know the cableabilties of my powers, I know that whoever my father may be he got involved in this world and he jumped to far and for the sixteen years of my life he has disappeared into that world, but father like son the world is now trying to swallow me whole. I must find out who and where my father is. Why hasn't he been here for me. I have this odd feeling foul play is involved. I can't trust anyone... maybe Ava, but still i must stay to myself from now on.

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