He is Gone

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                                      Lila's POV
     He's not here. Why isn't he here? Carsons father, well my father is gone.
       My whole body is shaking. Transporting all seven of us has its toll on my body. I open the shower curtain and step into the warm water. Finally the twitches stop. What is Carson going to think when he finds out the truth? They are all still passed out from their second transportation. I took them to Carsons fathers apartment, but he isn't here. Now i have no idea what to do next. That is if he will even listen to me when he finds out what i've been hiding from him. I took his life. He should of gone on the vacations with his father, not me. All of the experiences i have had should of been his. I took that from him. I tear falls down my check, but the warm water washes them away.
     I turn off the water. I grab the towel and walk out the of the bathroom. I walk into my room and it's just as i had left it. Not one thing misplaced. As i'm getting dressed there's a knock at my door. I spin around quickly, "Yes?"
     The door slowly opens behind it is Ava. She takes small strides and enters the room. She closes the door behind here, "Where did you take us and why? What do you know that we don't?" Ava mumbles through her questions one leading her to another.
     "It's not what you think," i say interrupting her. Well, I guess she is right I am hiding something and I do know more, but I am on their side. I hope Carson remembers that when I tell him.
     "ARE YOU EVEN listening to me?!" Her yelling interrupts my thoughts. I didn't even realize i started rambling. I do that alot. Father used to think it was a byproduct of the abilities i developed. My brain works at a faster speed.
     "I'm sorry, but before i tell you. I have to tell Carson. He won't forgive me unless i tell him what happened myself." In that moment i realize how true my words are. For the millionth time since i met him i begin to worry if he'll ever forgive me.
      "Okay i get that, but just remember he is my boyfriend. It would do you well to remember that." She walks out of the room without waiting for my response.
     I brush my hair and finish getting ready for bed even though it is only noon. My powers exhausted me; especially when i haven't been using them. Father would be so proud i transported from another realm. I have only ever done that once and it was on accident. 
    I wake up out of breath. I had another nightmare. Well i'm not sure it can be called that. More like reliving a memory while sleeping. I can still remember the tragic day before father took me in. I shake off that thought trying to forget that memory has been high on my to do list since i was young. I walk to my window and open the curtain. It is dark outside. Great now my sleeping schedule is off. I laugh. That is the most normal thing i have thought about since i left for Carson. I walk back to my bed and return to my dreams knowing that when I wake I will have to face everything I have done.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2018 ⏰

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