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Lila's POV
You have to let me go; he needs me." I say this time in a calm soothing tone.
The look in his eyes showed fear, worry. I think the decision that I make next hurts me worse than him. I have my reasons for going and they are far too strong compared to the ones to stay. I can't ignore the fact that his son still does not know who his true father is. A father that took me in and raised me as his own. The life that I have should've been his; so, I owe him this at least.
As I turn my back to him and prepare to face the people that I have only heard of and imagined my whole life, he decides to say one more thing, "Tell him that i'm sorry and that as soon as he escapes with you; he can finally meet his father." I nod. I know how much he loves his son; even though, he has never met him. I will reunite him with his long lost son.
Right before I leave I hear him say, "I will always be with you, maybe not biologically, but you are my daughter, be careful."

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