The duty of a rescuer

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Being a rescuer, or rescue house owner as its called by most, is a difficult and mentally draining job, but the changes in the human is worth it, having the human know its safe is amazing and being trusted is a heart stopping thing.

Juva was the second to create a rescue house, ChonChon may have been the first, with his precious Ying and Yang being talked about widely, though the humans previous earth given names were Tria and Aaron.

Juva started off as a defense worker, he would scout the main station and make sure everything was working efficiently, that was until one day he was sent out for a planetary job and everything changed.

Juva sat in his spacecraft and watched the moons and planets pass by, he was proud, these planets were safe planets, planets that were considered safe from internal harm, and finally he landed on a strangely silent planet, he examined the area he was landed, nearby was a crashed ship which had been there for years, a faint solar light was flashing yellow, meaning oxygen reserves were finally gone, he had heard of suspected enemy activity here.

The truth was far worse, the ship was breaking over a crevice and it was groaning as it finally tore open, the sound of frightened words could be heard, he rushed over with his gun, he peaked into the crevice, two humans were at the bottom, one was trying so hard to get the female up, but you could tell she was doomed, the other could still be saved, so he tied a rope to a boulder and scaled down, it was easy strapping the human up and pulling it out, he quickly rushed the human to his ship.

The phone rang, he pressed the device to his ear, "update on the suspicious activity?" Demanded the voice, "no enemy, just two humans, the ship was doomed" stated Juva, the voice on the other end fell silent, "how have they survived?" It asked, Juva sighed, "one died once the ship collapsed and oxygen reserves ran out, I don't know how they've survived" pointed out Juva, the voice fell silent again, "ChonChon will be contacted, please hold while we set up transport" it commanded, Juva muttered an affirmative and looked at the upset human, it seemed broken, mentally by the fact its companion died and that broke Juva's heart.

Once Juva was back on his post he began asking questions about the rescuer ChonChon, only to find out that ChonChon is still the only rescuer, shocked by this Juva began his quest to bring more light to the situation, several beings he talked to told him they were interested in becoming rescuers but just didn't know how, so Juva got straight to business.

He created his own digital presence which helped him get more interest, he began spreading the word, everyone actually didn't realise there was only one rescuer for five earth years, he got himself an area on the Dorson's planet, he made sure it was equipped to feel like a home for humans, shelters sent him humans, even ChonChon sent him a few due to the amount of humans he had, Juva happily put his defense job behind him.

He received 7 humans in record time and stayed in contact with ChonChon so that he would know what to do, he began making a rescue house owner manual with the help of ChonChon, vets, breeders and shelters.

His first humans were:

Fairy, a female human who almost died after their owner mistakenly ate a fruit that caused them to go insane, Fairy was scarred and jumpy, her companion was killed.

Fairy was the first one he opened his doors to, she had scars all over her body and avoided all kinds of contact, Juva though fell for her, he thought she was an adorable pet who didn't deserve what had happened, she ended up trusting him and even allowed him to hold her while the vet checked up on her rather than being drugged.

Tae, a male human with a knack for getting into trouble, his owner had gotten frustrated and decided that starving and being violent was an acceptable training method, Tae was hungry and nervous, his companion starved to death.

Sulfur, a male human with an expressionless face, being scolded for talking, being haressed by his owners children, he grew aggressive, Sulfur was silent and dangerous, his companion was separated from him due to no compatability.

Tae and Sulfur were the next to enter his life, they came together, Tae sat and behaved he would talk to Fairy, Sulfur sat away from everyone, getting angry whenever anyone pestered him, Fairy was scared of him and Tae didn't mind him, Juva made progress, he encouraged Tae to have fun and not to be afraid of violence or going without food and he even managed to gain Sulfur's trust, the human managed to get along with the other two after he decided there was no reason to dislike them.

Jury, a female human with sad eyes, Jury is companions with Sing, they were abandoned at a shelter together, Jury is loud and nervous.

Sing, is a female human with hands that grabbed anything that wasn't out of her reach, Sing is companions with Jury, Sing is constantly moving and confident.

Sing and Jury arrived like a storm, they urged Fairy, Tae and Sulfur to play with them, they liked games that involved causing trouble, it always worried Tae, Sulfur chose to ignore them and Fairy was happy to play, Juva was always encouraging of them to have fun, and once Tae realised the worst punishment was being locked in an outside kennel for an hour or two, he began joining in, even Sulfur stuck around whenever the two new girls caused trouble, Juva got along well with the two.

Acid, a male human with a burnt face, his owner was careless and let him hang around dangerous areas, he fell victim to an acid plant and the court ruled that the owner was negligent, he is companions with Fire, Acid is talkative and cautious.

Fire, a female human with heavily burnt arms, due to her owners carelessness Fire got to close to a cooking fire, Fire didn't know that there was a fire there, she is companions with Acid, Fire is outgoing and hyper.

Acid and Fire were quick friends with Jury and Sing, Tae was nervous about the injuries but he quickly got over it, Fairy was super exited to meet these two, Sulfur didn't mind Acid, though Fire was to wild willed for his liking, Juva was happy with how well they behaved and got along with everyone, he loved them all.

Juva sat on his couch and watched the humans, Sing was trying to reach a potted plant, Tae was tugging her away, Jury was playing chasy with Fire, they were going in circles around the coffee table, Sulfur and Acid sat together with Acid doing the talking and in Juva's lap lay Fairy, she was faintly snoring and Juva didn't have the willpower to lift her off so that he could take Jury and Fire outside so they could play there, and reward Tae for being so good, but he guessed he could allow it for this once, he thought for the 50th time that week.

With the opening of rescue houses all over the known galaxies, many more humans have found safety and care, with some rescuers taking on the task of ensuring certain cases are looked at and dealt with. Rescuers are becoming a massive thing, and now its easier than ever to deal with pet human issues in case of the law.

So to celebrate this great feat, we are having a human fun day, this is all thanks to our local rescuer Juva, this is only a local activity, maybe in further years there could be a more open and inclusive human celebration.


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