children and pets

763 14 4

Blog post 56, ##/##/######

- "having young with any pet is a difficult topic, some young are great and have strong emotional attachments and morals at a young age, while others struggle with it and even unknowingly abuse any pet."

- I found this quote on the same article as before, and thought it would be a great topic to discuss and I'd love to hear your stories!

~ comments ## ~

> if you want a story on the subject I have one, this is from personal experience, I had a friend and we both had humans, I had a dog as well, but we had very different ideas on pets.

So anyway, we were young, and had only known of the way we had been raised, my family sadly only saw pets as animals you look after and love sparingly, while my friends family loved their humans like family.

And one cold night our two humans were outside in their kennels cuddling up in their blankets, as was our dog in his own kennel, while at my friends her humans were cuddled up on a couch beside a fire, and that night I had been visiting my friend and having dinner, anyway I asked my friend why her pets were inside and she was confused, all she had known was treating all pets as family, so she told me the fire was keeping them warm, I remember the fluffy night clothes the humans were wearing and now that I think of it, all our humans wore were raincoats and rain protective pants, they didn't even have shoes, that's because our family didn't know how important footwear and headwear was.

Anyway as I was so young I was amazed by this 'new' way to have a pet, and so when I went home I went straight to the kennels, my parents scoffed at the idea of having animals inside messing up the flooring, and anything else, but I was a determined child, we hadn't realised how cold the weather was, as my family are from a sturdy species sometimes we don't notice things like other species do, so we went outside, first to the dog...

Uhhh this is tough, I feel like such a horrible person whenever I look back on these events, so what had happened was this is a short haired dog, its more built for hotter weather, so the dog was half frozen and suffering, despite the dog beds and blankets, the mother of my friend, who had dropped me off, was horrified, my parents didn't know what to do, they were distressed by this and my young mind didn't think much of it, I grabbed the collar and dragged it out, my father took the dog from me and rushed it inside, cradling it, from what I've been told, it died in front of the fire, confused I headed for the humans, they were cuddled close under a blanket and did not like it when I removed it.

Anyway, so I took them out of there and didn't think letting them suffer the weather was a bad thing, their fingers and toes were blue, luckily all they ended up with was some nasty cold, from then on we didn't leave any pet outside to much, and my parents made sure to properly teach me about how bad the situation was.

>> yikes!!!

>>> how did that not get filed as animal abuse???

>>>>that's so awful!

> once I was on a walk and a human was in a park, and I love pets of all sizes and shapes so I headed over to it and saw it had an owner, a young Shir, they seemed happy, even though the humans height was the same as the young Shir's which is to be expected I guess.

Anyway so the kid ended up leaving with the human, all good and well, until I saw them next, the Shir was being bullies and some bullies were targeting the human, I had to do something so I barged in there and the bullies ran away, some even shouted back not to call their parents, it was pretty funny!

> I remember when I was kid, there was this human who was a stray, some kids would throw it food, others would harass it, I didn't do anything with it myself, but one day someone got extra cruel and practically cemented the human into a living statue!! I remember my whole class talking about it, my class from what I remember really liked the human, like a street mascot, so this horrible act got everyone riled up, the human ended up in a rescue house, I really hope its doing ok.

>alot of these are abuse stories, so I'm going to mix things up, here's a story about my young and his humans!

So I have a child, they were 5 planetary cycles old and loved his humans, he would involve them in everything, from dress up games to outdoor games or activities, ok so one day, I'm not home, and while I'm gone my child sneaks out to the backyard, the humans follow and they play games, and then from what my neighbour told me, my child began trying to reach a tall shelf, the humans begin to help and they try to hold each other up and failing, so my child gets a tub and stands on it, and then from the shelf he grabs the human treats, which he scatters all over the ground and the humans just watch him and then he picks the treats all up and carefully places them back in the bag, to which the humans seem way to happy about.

Then after that, they all decide the use the cloths hanger as a swinging toy and so forth, they are absolute gems.

There was also the time my child was learning how to walk and since the humans were also still new to walking, they all taught each other and kept my child away from ledges!

>> so precious!!!!

>>> best one I've read so far!

>please stop hounding some comments, that isn't why I made this blog, anyway thank you everyone!

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