Chapter Seven: My Lover

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It's the comfort of my bed I enjoy the most. That, and the comfort of his arms as he held me. It is as if I have never really grown out of the phase where everyone holed up together to keep warm in the deep winter. Now, however, it was summer, and the air is warm. Being held as tightly as I am being held means that I'm sweating excessively and sticky all over. I still wouldn't change it for the world.

"Emery," I mutter, getting a mouthful of hair for my efforts. "Hey, Emery."

He doesn't react to any of my whisperings and I laugh silently. When he slept, he slept like a rock. It had been hard to get him into bed and sleeping by the time the sun went down. Last night he kept pacing and talking excitedly about the same things over and over. I lured him into bed, and now, lo and behold, he was not getting out.

I dislodge my hand and bury it within the thick mess of dark curls, stroking gently. Now I get a response, but it is only a groan if protest and him burying his face even deeper into my chest. It's a wonder he can breathe at all. I drop a kiss on the crown of his head and smile. He is a little child at heart, forever more; clinging to me in every way possible and rendering me immobile.

"Emery," I try again.

I get a muffled response that sounded like no. Typical.

I try and encourage him. "Come on, today is the day. You'll see the world!"

He finally raises his head and my heart nearly stops when I see his eyes shimmering with tears. He blinks, and one tear slips down his cheek. I brush it off and look at him, concerned.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask him, tentatively.

He slides his hand up my back and grips my neck gently with his rope-roughened hands. "I don't want to leave you."

"You're not," I assure him. "You're just going to go on an adventure. You'll be back before you know it and itching for your next time."

"I am leaving you and you know it."

"Yes, but that's your dream. I'll be here when you come back."

He tries a different approach. "We've never been apart. Not since we found each other."

I smile down at him, remembering the first time I saw his wide green eyes blinking up at me. Much like they're doing right now, but he had been across the room and hugging his knees instead of hugging me. I was at an angrier point in my life. People were disappearing from my life and I was left here, grudgingly taking care of the little ones.

First time I handed him a bun he had wrinkled his nose at it, claiming it plain and stale. I lost my composure and snapped at him until his eyes shone with unshed tears. I told him he was ungrateful and should be happy I was looking after him at all instead of just stuffing myself. Mary at stepped in front of me at that point and told me to be gentler with the little ones, especially those who had just recently joined us. I huffed off and didn't say another word.

Later that night, he had come over to me and clutched my hands with his little ones and spoke to me in the softest whisper. The apology was heartfelt and within the span of a second, I absolutely knew I would die for him. I let him curl up to me that night, despite it being summer and fell asleep like that. I got teased for it at first, but after weeks and months of always being at each other's sides (and me getting more and more attached to him as time went on) the talk died down at it was accepted as a thing.

It was only months later that I discovered he was actually older than I was. His childlike face was rather misguiding. That, and his hyper, fussy, and wide-eyed wonder sort of personality. I choked when he offhandedly mentioned his age and haven't recovered since. He could have been lying and insofar I have found absolutely no evidence to back this up. He's still a little child in the way he acts. Only change nowadays is what he undeniably has a man's body.

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