Chapter Fifteen: Bon Voyage

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There was only one ship on the harbour. A big, hulking thing that shadowed the marketplace with its sheer size. The other ships were already gone and out. Lesser ranking officers, probably. Gone to scout out the area and get the lay of the land. Not land but the same feeling. There was land if one went down far enough – I hope. Has anyone ever checked that? Probably not.

I peer over the side where the pier ends to affirm that here, at least, there is most likely land. Unfortunately, the water is so dark and murky with all the city dirt that it would be impossible to tell – even if it had only been a meter deep. It was more than that, obviously, or else this boat could not very well be standing here now could it?

"Come on now, we don't have all day."

I look up, startled by the command. Heathcliff leans against the railing of the ship. The lower level of the ship.

"Ah yes, my bad." I grab my bag more firmly in my hand – for fear of it slipping out of my grasp – and make my way up to the first level where he stands. "Eager to see us off?"


"You're surely not coming with us." I say, cutting right to the chase. "Not after all your comments on how this was a waste of time and space and–"

"Alright, alright, I get it." He pushes off of the railing and comes over. "I would like of offer my sincerest apologies for my comments during that discussion."

"Ah?" I say, not quite sure where this is coming from. "Did you wait on the ship to apologize to me for that. I wasn't expecting ..."


"Nothing. I wasn't expecting this nor did I ever think to want an apology for ... you didn't even say anything that I would consider disrespectful. Not as far as I can remember." I wave my free hand helplessly.

"Didn't I?" He asks, immediately making me want to take back what I just said. "Is that so? Then why do you ask why I'm here?"

"Because you're not exactly a seaman."

"Are you?" He looks me up and down. "It doesn't look like it."

"At least I lived with one for many years and have more information on the dangers out there than you do."

"Yes, that mysterious information you refuse to share with anyone."

"Like you could decipher my notes." I say with a scoff. "They're what's in my mind, but on paper in case I forget anything."

"Doesn't help you in the least. But you said you live with a sailor? Or something of the like?" He looks at me curiously.

"Ah–" I say, freezing for a second and mentally scolding myself for sharing too much information with someone who looks like he wants to damned well sell it. "Lived. Past tense. Yes." And now why I shared this. "More than I can see you doing."

He looks like he's about to retort when someone grabs my arm and spins me around. It's Hillam, in a slightly different uniform, looking as if he is ready to fight Heathcliff for me.

"Stop interrogating my scientific officer." Hillam scolds reproachfully.

I start. "What did you say?"

Hillam looks down at me, no joy in his eyes but not itching for a fight either, which is a step up from Heathcliff. "We've given you the title of Scientific Officer. This isn't a passenger ship and you'll be doing most of the research and information gathering. Seems better than strangely knowledgeable journalist."

"You may have a point there."

"I usually do." He says with no humor but there may have been a joke in there if one knew him well enough. I didn't, but for the sake of my mood let's say there was a joke anyway.

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