Chapter 5 - I Digress

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-Andy's POV-

  Jinxx and I somberly make our way out of the hospital, so many people are like Lila. But not everyone is able to get saved, it's incredibly sad. Mumbling the Batman theme song under my breath I keep my head down, letting my feet and peripheral vision guide me. Right into a wall- wait no, what the fuck, this isn't a wal- "Ouch what the fuck man! Seriously watch where you're going shit- fucking -munchkin." Looking down I see a small blonde lady holding her head.

     "My deepest apologies, Madam, for I had not seen thy there. Although I must ask what is a shit- fucking- munchkin and your name?" After my bow towards the blonde beauty, she softly laughs at me as she rubs her temple. "A shit- fucking- munchkin, it's well that's a good question. That I don't know the answer to Bud. Oops, I must go, for I am Juliet a fair maiden whom musnt ever be alone with a man. For my maidenhood could be compromised, if I am seen in the presence of a man without a chaperone" Taking up the damsel in distress act she pulls a tissue out of her pocket and pulls it to her nose, blowing her nose roughly and shoots the tissue into the trash bin. 

"My fair Juliet please lend me thy hand, for my numerals shall bless thee along with my name. Andy is my name, thy not wear it out." Juliet erupts into a fit of laughter, although she can only make out one word "Sure." Holding her arm out she waits for me to write my number down, I actually didn't think that she would let me give my number to her. Softly grabbing her hand I take a pen out of my pocket and write my number down, leaving a heart on the end. 

What? I have to be cute, girls like cute right? Or should I be like Batman, all macho man with a deep voice, well my voice is deep enou-"I have to go now, kinda getting over the flu. I shall message thee quite soon though." laughing she shakes my hand and heads off into the opposite direction. Well well well, look who's got game.

"Five bucks says she won't call." looking at Ash as he describes his bet, "Hey asshole she'll call Andy. He actually did a good job." Jinxx hits Ashley on the shoulder. 

Laughing at their antics we all make our way to the car, "Hey where's Jake?" looking around we do a quick area search for him and come up with nothing.

"Wasssup Bitches!!!" Looking to the left of us, Jake is pointing a paintball gun at us. Running I take cover in the car and turn it on. Fuck this shit, putting the car in reverse I back up quickly and leave Jinxx and Ashley in the dust. Oh well. 

Jinxx POV

"ANDY!!!!" Gah dammit, Andy's an asshole. "Got you!" feeling a pain in my leg I crumble to the ground, "Fuckkkkkkkkkk you Jake!!" Clutching my leg I roll on my side, stupid ass Jake with his stupid ass pranks. 

"Need a little help there." Looking up I make eye contact with a blonde haired beauty, "Uh oh, Yeah I do actually." Laughing she takes my hand and helps me stand, "That shot looked almost fatal, especially when you fell." She begins to chuckle with me. "I'm Sammi, nice to meet you" Sammi shakes my hand, "I'm Jeremy, but my friends call me Jinxx."

"Jinxx, hm that's unique..." She studies me for a second before continuing her sentence, "Well Jinxx, if you'd like maybe we could go for some coffee or tea sometime soon?" Nodding to her I grab a piece of paper out of my notebook and a pen, writing my number down I hand it to her. "I'd like that, text me anytime. It was nice to meet you Sammi." 

"Likewise, Jinxx." Sammi struts away to her ca- "Got you DUMBASS!" Looking to my right Jake pulls the trigger on the paintball gun. Fuck.


A/N I know this chapter is short but oh well. Here it is, cue Law and Order music.

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