A Little Reminder

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I am currently faced with a dude quoting one of the chickiest songs in history.


I can't help but laugh.

"He doesn't give up." I chuckle handing the phone to Juliette.

She takes it in her hands hungrily scrolling through the chat stopping to ask for translations all the while, her smile grows in pleasure.

"Wow" is repeated a number of times in the stilling silence of chattering freshman.

Then she reaches the bottom.

That was it.

She was holding her sides laughing as tears formed in her eyes,
"Ha! Even I know that one!"

She claps a hand over her mouth to smother her voice having received a glare from the scary librarian.

Speaking of which.

Why does she always look like a mad turtle?

It's terrifying and hilarious at the same time.

Where's Miss. Atler anyway?

She's a much nicer librarian.

She does her job but actually likes children.

Unlike the turtle.

No one is in here, except us and some kids playing games on the computers or printing essays, so what does it matter if we're quiet or not.

School technically hasn't started yet and, we're not disturbing anyone.

"This is hilarious." Juliette laughs bringing my attention back to the matter at hand.

"Yeah, I kinda lost it halfway through and couldn't stop." I say stopping my fidgeting and directly looking into her eyes.

"So are you going to respond to him again?"

"Do you think I should? I don't know him and I doubt he knows me. He just wants to sleep with me anyway. Isn't that a little dangerous?"

"I guess." She concedes, "But you can always block him."

That was a good point.

I could always block him.

"And it's not like your going to meet him. Right?" She pulls the word while raising her brows.

I look at her, shock in my eyes at her distrust in my judgment.

"Obviously." I scoff, "I may be ignorant but I'm not that naive."

"I know, I know." She says nodding her head in a manner that mimics a parent listening to its child assuringly but unbelieving.

She's totally patronizing me.

"Plus he sounds funny. Might as well have some fun with it."

I confirm her statement with a shrug of my shoulders,
"I guess."

"So?" Asks Juliette waiting for my answer, "Verdict?"

"Alright." I say sitting up more in my chair, half convinced.

"Yes!" She whispers clenching her right fist in a small triumphant gesture.

I take my phone from where Juliette placed it on the table tapping the screen with my thumbs.

"What are you saying?"

I smile at her devilishly.

Which is rare since, you know, I'm an angel.

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