The Greetings part 2

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Elizabeth's p.o.v

While I was walking around the city, I was listing to my favorite song, I Whispers in the Dark.
I saw Amy and said "Hello there Any Rose, and you too Cream." They replied with a hello there Elizabeth. After the school bell rang for dismissal, I found an ominous scepter. I felt a dark presence in the scepter.
"Hello, is anyone in there?!" I cried
" my dear Elizabeth, I can believe it is you! " The prisoner of the scepter told me.
I gasped. "Oh no! Don't worry Mephiles, I'll save you!"
He replied "I know you will, my dear."
I remembered last night he looked like Shadow the hedgehog, so I ran to him and threw the scepter at him.
"What the hell was that for Elizabeth!!? We crap , you just release Mephiles!"
I knew I did. I yelled at him and told him people Lord to me saying that he was a malevolent character. But he wasn't that bad to me.
After Mephiles attacked Shadow, somehow me and Mephiles just teleported to the spot where we met last night.
I tightly hugged him and I was in tears! "I'm not going to have my friends deceive me!" " Shh, it's alright, my dear. I'm here. " he said to comfort me.
I felt him on my ear for some odd reason. It felt like he kissed me! That made my sadness go away. It felt so nice too.
When I got home, I noticed Blaze and said hello.
"What's with the joyous look Elizabeth?" she asked me. I replied with "I got my first ever kiss and it was on my ear." Blaze thought that was wonderful. "Who's the guy that kissed you?" She asked.
  While I was saying his name, I fainted.
Silver flew over to me saying "What in the world!?" "I never thought that anyone could have a crush on Mephiles!."
I woke up nauseous.

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