school day

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When I got to my class, I noticed that Mephiles was the neighboring locker to mine AND he head the same classes as me! "My, oh my. I have the exactly same schedule as you, well except it has my name. Anyway Elizabeth, how are you doing today?" Mephiles asked me.
I to d him "I'm doing well today. I hope you're doing just as well as me. Math is just around the corner from our location."
" Thanks for the heads up Elizabeth. "
It was not a problem to give out locations to him.
The school bell rang for first block and the class was math.
When we got to class, the teacher, Mr. Photons, put a seating chart for the classes. I saw that table 2 insist of me, Mephiles, Silver, and Knuckles.
'Thank Lord of darkness that Shadow was not sitting here with me.* I thought to myself.
After 2hours it was time for block 2, and I had E.L.A
It was the class that stoped in the middle for lunch.
*Time skip*
When I got to the cafeteria, I heard a voice.
It was Mephiles speaking to me.
"Want to sit with me?" He asked. "Ok, I'd love to sit with you." I replied.
After lunch was back to E.L.A and I was glad I stop at a good spot in the book I was reading. The book was Catching Fire. I noticed my chair was pulled out for me.I think it was Mephiles who pulled my chair out. "After you my dear." He said in a nice tone.
I was silent for the whole next two classes.
"Hey Elizabeth, why do quite?" Sonic asked me.
"He is so nice to me." I replied in a astonished like tone. " who is? " Sonic asked. "Hello there Elizabeth, and Sonic." Mephiles said to me and Sonic. Sonic got a little worried for a second there.
I whispered into Sonic's ear "He's the one I was just was nice to me." " WHAT IN CHAOS! " Sonic screamed in fear. "What's with the commotion Sonic?" Mephiles asked Sonic. Sonic, again, got startled. I sorta laughed at Sonic. The blue bluer whispered into my ear "He was able too kill me!" I told him " No dip Sherlock! " Even Mephiles laughed. "Wow is wow, you are quite funny i have to be honest." Mephiles said in a laughing matter. Me and Mephiles laughed at Sonic and the commotion caught Silver's attention. And he asked "What's all the commotion about?" "Elizabeth just Sherlocked Sonic!" Mephiles answered.
I noticed the time and it was last block and that, for us, was break time. Next was dismissal.

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