chapter 1:Naruto's prayers answered

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It was naruto's fifth birthday.currently he was half asleep and half awake and he knew the villagers where right outside his apparent door so he waited for the inevitable beating he was about to receive and so as the villagers started mercilessly beating the child into Oblivion a miracle happens.the next thing he knew he had a set of large black wings coming out of his back and protected him like a shield.he then felt an unnatural power unlike the kyuubi this power was strong,dark ,and yet, naruto felt calm as the mystereious power surrounded him he heard a voice that said"speak the incantation.when darkness falls pain is all and in the night I will fight."naruto did as the voice said and after he did the entire place was consumed in darkness and a sword appeared in his hand curious as to what it did he started to stab each of the attacking villagers and they dropped dead but what confused naruto was that the blade should have left a cut of some kind but to his surprise there weren't any.he then said"that's strange.where did these wings come from???and what's up with this sword I'm holding???."a figure in a black Cloak and the very same kind of wings approached him and said"greetings.i am Yang."said the unknown figure to naruto and naruto asked"Yang???.as in darkness."and the strange figure said"Yes that's correct.i am Yang. The angel of darkness and you are chosen to be my New wing bearer your friend Hinata Hyuga is going through the same process as we speak.only,yin,my sister,is being more gentle and she will be in the same pain as you where in."naruto then asked and said"so, aside from shielding myself from others.what else can I do???."and Yang said "when yours and Hinata's wings touch, you can create an unbreakable barrier or when speaking the incantation when two pure hearts become one the darkness and lies come would then take the form of kami herself.separate, you both can create any weapon you choose with a single thought."and naruto just shouted"WOW THAT'S AMAZING.!!!"meanwhile at the Hyuga clan compound, Hinata Hyuga was fast asleep until she was woken up by a searing hot pain in her back.she the looked behind her to see that somehow she grew a pair of beautiful white wings.and then it happens Hiashi Hyuga, Hinata's father, burst through the door and shocked to see a pair of beautiful white wings coming out of her back but before he could approach her he was blasted back out of the room by a mysterious white light.he tried to use his Byakugan to see what was going on but was not able to.instead,he was blinded.hinata then looked to see a beautiful woman dressed in white robe approach her and the mysterious figure said"greetings Hinata Hyuga. My name is yin and you are my New wing bearer."Hinata then asked and said"yin?.as in light? THE Angel of light??!!."and the figure said yes I am must know that my brother Yang has chosen your secret crush naruto uzumaki as his wing bearer of darkness as well.with my abilities you can create any weapon you choose with a single thought,form an unbreakable barrier when your wings and Naruto's touch.the two of you have been chosen by kami herself to help, love, and protect each other.kami has been watching both of you and hope you have a great life together.naruto is unloved by all accept a few.but you seem to love him the most witch is why the two of you have been chosen."yin then said before she vanished said" you and naruto must keep your wings a secret.even from your own family and loved ones.the wings will draw you to each other no matter where you are.when the two of you speak the incantation when two hearts become one the lies and darkness become undone after witch the two of you become kami herself."Hinata's eyes widened she and naruto would finally be together and not a single person could keep them apart they have practically just became gods among mortals.hinata just squeeled with joy and happiness and said"thank you, thank you, thank you.this is my greatest dream come true!!!!"yin then said I will tell kami your happy."and then vanished in The same way she appeared.the light faded and Hiashi went into his daughters room and said"Hinata, daughter.are you okay??? where did you get those wings???"and Hinata said"I can't tell you how or who I got them from but I can tell you that I will not be kept from Naruto-kun any longer.not by you or even the clan council."Hiashi then tried to back hand his daughter for her arrogant attitude but to his surprise the wings came up and protected her like a shield. Hiashi then said" seems as though kami has blessed The two of you and won't let the two of you be apart from each other."and Hinata said"the hokage isn't permitted to know about this either." And Hiashi said"your right.and I agree.power like this must be kept a secret.and if these wings bring you and naruto together then,I approve of your relationship with him."and Hinata just hugged her father and said"thank you Father."he hugged her back and said"now get some sleep.we must go see naruto and the hokage tomorrow."back at his appartment, after the explanations Yang had given naruto,he and the darkness vanished and naruto fell back asleep.the next morning Hiashi and Hinata's father had picked up naruto at his apartment and went to the hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi. Now, Hiruzen believes in many things.he believes in the shinigami,the tailed beast demons.but NEVER in his life has he ever thought he'd see the day that he'd hear naruto say that he and Hinata where blessed by kami herself and given the wings of light and darkness.hiruzen then asked"so just HOW exactly did this happen to you naruto???"and naruto said" you know, today is my,as usual the villagers broke into my home and beat me mercilessly thinking their killing the kyuubi in human form"sarutobi's eyes went wide asked"so you have met it???"Hinata, Hiruzen and Hiashi felt a killing intent so heavy it made them all nervous and naruto said without any emotions as his wings appeared and his Yang Aura surrounded him he said"DON'T CALL HIM THAT!!!!. HE'S NOT SOME KIND OF MONSTER!!!!.HE HAS A NAME AND FEELINGS TO.!!!!"Hinata saw it. Naruto's darkness.his Yang Aura was rolling off of him in huge waves and his wings made themselves known.probobly knowing what was about to happen next Hinata opened up her yin wings and channeling her light Aura embraced Naruto in a gentle loving hug and said"easy Naruto-kun. Please.calm's alright."Hiashi and Sarutobi both realized that once Hinata hugged naruto, the light and dark Aura balanced each other out and the massive waves of darkness began to fade away.taking a closer look at the sight before him, Hiashi realized that the moment their wings touched each other it formed The yin Yang symbol.the light that keeps the darkness contained.the love that keeps his hatred at Bay. Thanks to Hinata's light Aura keeping Naruto's dark Aura in check,the hokage breathed a sigh of relief and said"thank you lady Hinata. Without you naruto just might have destroyed truly love him don't you???I can see now why kami herself had chosen the two of are able to give naruto the love and attention he's always wanted and needed through out his life.and these powerful 'abilities' are to remain secret.between The two of you and your family Hiashi."and Hinata said"your right hokage Sama. I do love Naruto-kun. With all my heart and soul and I will always be here for him. ALWAYS."

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