chapter4:2years later.first days at the academy

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It's been 2years since naruto and Hinata had gotten their wings from yin and yang and their weapons from kami as we now find hinata and naruto walk into the classroom and just as they where about to take their seats next to each other Sasuke,the last 'loyal' uchiha came walking up to them and said"hey loser.give me your sword and your bow and arrows Hyuga. sutch weapons don't belong in the hands of people like you and and your little Hyuga girlfriend slut."now naruto could stand Hinata being called many things.weak,shy, and pathetic.but what the uchiha just called Hinata,he wouldn't stand for.a loud mouth pink haired girl Sakura Haruno and her rival ino then said"yeah naruto-BAKA . Sasuke-kun is right now do what he said and hand it over to him.!!!"Hinata saw the look in Naruto's eyes and he's only ever had that look once before.and that was when Neji Hyuga, Hinata's cousin, insulted her very badly and she knew what happened next and said"uchiha.for your own safety and well-being,I suggest you appologize to me and quit making demands."and Sasuke said"is that a threat Hyuga bitch???."and Hinata said"I tried to warn you uchiha and now you're going to pay the ultimate price."as Hinata saw naruto emitting his darkness Aura and spread his wings.sasuke thought' what's this power???and where do I get it.??? I should have that power to kill my brother.i need that power.' Sasuke was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't see naruto approach him and said " have crossed the line nobody should ever cross with Hinata-chan in my presence!!!. now,you.will.suffer."Sasuke then said "what are you???and where did you get such a power.i want it.i need it."and naruto just spoke the incantation"when darkness falls,pain is all and in the night I will fight."the next thing every one knew the entire room went dark and no one accept for Hinata, who is the angel of light could see anything.the next thing people heard was Sasuke screaming for Mercy saying"'t.I'M SORRY OKAY.???. I'M SORRY!!!!AHHHH."Hinata knows that if she doesn't get back to naruto soon, The uchiha was dead.seeing as naruto used the darkness within a person to kill them.she flared up her light Aura and approached naruto and said "Naruto-kun???. remember the incantation we learned???."and they said together"when two pure hearts become one lies and darkness become undone."and then the room returned to normal as The darkness faded and the dark powerful Aura surrounded and retreated back into naruto and Hinata said "know this.should ANYONE insult me in Naruto-kun's presence.or him in mine.well will face The same pain as the greedy uchiha over here.!!!"everyone in the room just kept quiet and ever since, naruto was avoided by all accept the uchiha who obviously didn't learn his lesson the first their taijutsu sparring lesson naruto insisted that ninjutsu be permitted so Iruka Umino the academy teacher allowed it.mainly because he was curious as to what naruto would do.and naruto said"Iruka Sensei. send in ALL the clan heir's to fight me."and Iruka asked"are you sure naruto???. that's a little dangerous and you could get badly injured.???"and naruto said I'm sure.they can even use weapons."now everyone was curious. that was going overboard but Iruka said"very well.everyone,to the center ring.ninjutsu and taijutsu only."Sasuke sent a grand fire ball , Kiba used his fang over fang with akamaru,choji used his human Boulder jutsu,shikamaru his shadow possession and ino her mind transfer technique.naruto just stood there bored and Hinata stood there watching as she knew what was going to happen next.all the attacks hit head on and naruto just stood there and said "shield"and naruto spread his wings completely out and protected him.after the smoke cleared everyone was shocked to see that the attacks hit but where stopped in their tracks.iruka looked to see if naruto was okay and saw naruto protected by a pair.of."wings!!!!???"everyone shouted and naruto then pushed his wings outward and sent all the attacks back to their respective users and knocked everyone out cold.naruto just flapped his wings and shook off the dust and said"well.that was boring.i had expected better from konoha's clan heir's."everyone was shocked that naruto took all those strong attacks head on and tossed them right back!!!. Iruka then asked" did you do that???and where did you get those wings from.???and naruto said."to answer your first question.i shielded myself with a single command.and as for your second question. Hinata-chan come over here and let us show them".and Hinata said"Yes my love."naruto and Hinata then stood back to back and spread their wings together and the yin and yang symbol appeared and everyone's jaws dropped when they saw that Hinata's Aura was light and naruto darkness.iruka then said"n.naruto.h.hinata. YOUR ANGELS!!!!!!"shouted everyone accept Sasuke who just backed away in fear.and shikamaru said "well that explains how you stopped my shadow possession jutsu.the dark Aura and the way you tormented Sasuke and almost killed used his darkest desires against him."everyone just bowed before them in reverence.and the uchiha never made any demands ever again.

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