Chapter 5: Blood Is Spilled

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I slip into camp and shake the chill from my fur. The snow may have melted but the cold isn't leaving for awhile. "Echopaw." I turn and see Stormpaw beckoning me over. "What do you need, Stormpaw?"

"I just want to ask if you would like to go hunting with me?" I perk up, Stormpaw and I haven't talked much lately. This will hopefully help us get over this rough patch.

"Stormpaw," we both turn to see his mother, and Troutpaw's mentor, Lilyfeather. "May Troutpaw join you?" Troutpaw's ears flatten in embarrassment at his mentor asking for him. I'm about to say yes but am cut off by Stormpaw.

"We'd rather hunt alone." We would? I give Stormpaw a look but he doesn't look away from his mother. Lilyfeather stares at him, seeming surprised at his rudeness. "I'll hunt with him later, if that's what you want, Troutpaw."

He lost his embarrassment and perked up. "Sure, okay. I'll see you later," he meows before padding away, Lilyfeather stares at her son for a few moments more before leaving us. We turn and leave camp. We walk through our territory. I stay silent as I think of how to ask Stormpaw about why he turned Troutpaw away.

"You think it was wrong of me to say no to Troutpaw, don't you?" I look at Stormpaw, but he seemed fascinated with his own paws. I felt my heart go out to him. He's become so distant since that fox, maybe he realizes that. He's just trying to come back.

I shake my head. "No, you just wanted to be alone with me, right? So we could talk?" Stormpaw finally looks at me, looking slightly surprised. "Yeah, you're exactly right. I feel we haven't talked much since-"

"I know and maybe it wasn't the best way to say it but I agree we need to talk but let's save that for after we catch a few things." Stormpaw's eyes are bright again as he nods. I make my way to the half bridge, hoping to catch some fish.

I peer into the water, catching a glimpse of golden scale. I swipe my paw through the water, hooking my claws into the fish, quickly throwing it onto the shore, killing it quickly. I pick up the large fish and head back to camp, I meet Stormpaw on the way and we stop to have a chat.

We put everything behind us and are on much better terms. We go across the stepping stones. It's still pretty cold and Robinpelt, doesn't want the Clan getting sick. I jump the small stream and enter camp. I set my prey on the fresh-kill pile.

I'm settling down with Stormpaw, when a panicked yowl came from outside camp. Coolpelt races up a small tree, looking out past the camp walls. "A dark brown cat is approaching fast across the stepping stones. No one else is with him."

The small cat bursts into our camp, calling for help. "It's Toadpaw!" I say and race forward but my father stops me. Dapplestar races past me and approaches the fear filled apprentice. "What is it? What's wrong?" I look closely and see Toadpaw has scratches on his flank.

"Th- ThunderClan is attacking us!" The whole Clan gasps and Dapplestar turns to us with a look of fury. "We will not let ShadowClan face this alone. Adderfang, stay here with a few warriors and guard the camp. Blossomheart, Birchpelt, Duststorm,  Echopaw, Troutpaw, Emberpaw, Dawnpaw Onyxpaw, Bonepaw, Blizzardstep, Stormpaw. Let's go!"

We race out of camp and across the stepping stones, Toadpaw leading the way.  The sun had started to set before Toadpaw raced to our camp. By the time we enter Shadowclan territory, darkness is creeping through the pine forest.

We run through the forest, running over pine needles and flattening the grass underpaw. The pine trees are tall, blocking out the moonlight. The entire RiverClan patrol was uneasy. No one made a sound, or at least tried to. But the darkness made it difficult for us to see.

|Warriors| Hunted [Hiatus]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora