Chapter 29 - Matching Tattoos

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(Naveeah's point of view)

This was the moment I had been waiting for or more so, dreaming of.

I couldn't even contain my excitement as Luke's car drove down my street, nearing my home. The minute he parked in the driveway of my house, I jumped out of the car and ran to the front door like a little kid.

I knocked on the wooden doors and waited for only a split second, before I was faced with some familiar people whom I'd missed seeing so very much.

"Dad! Mum! God! You'll never understand, I missed you both more than anything", I whimpered, as tears instantly filled my eyes.

As good as life has been with Luke, in these past few days, I've needed my parents and the comfort of my family.

I've never been away from them until Dawson stole me.

"Oh my baby, thank the heavens you are alright", my mum expressed, with tears running down her face.

They pulled me into their embrace and I instantly felt at home again. Being around my actual family, my blood, made me realise that my life was finally back to normal, that the shit show was finally over.

I was safe, truly okay and with the people I thought I'd never see again.

"Oh honey! We missed you terribly and we are so glad that your home, safe and healthy. A day hasn't gone by where we haven't thought of you", cried my dad, as he kissed my forehead.

My dad looked down into my eyes for a moment, examining me. I saw the raw emotion in his eyes, as he noticed the bruises on my skin and the scars across my body. I could feel his deep emotions, his heart was breaking before my very eyes and I hated how upset he was getting. Without saying anything or asking any questions, he had put together what had happened and I don't even think my mum is mentally there yet, but my dad is way ahead of her and clearly, he's in disbelief.

I'm still not sure what happened to me actually happened. It feels like a fever dream or more so, a nightmare, now that it's all over.

I do my best to try and ignore the looks my dad keeps subtly giving me, they are the looks that scream questions like, 'Are you sure you're okay?' and statements like, 'This is all my fault' but all I do in return, is smile at him.

I am just trying my best to show him that I'm really doing fine and that he has nothing to worry about now.

Even though it may be hard to believe as I was taken from them, I am okay, I've at least convinced myself that I am.

"Hun, I just wanted to say I'm so sorry about what I said to you that night. I shouldn't have said anything and I've made the decision while being away that, if your happy here then we can stay here", added mum, holding my face delicately.

"Thank you mum, that means a lot."

We smiled at each other until I saw the presence of another gorgeous face appear beside me.

I noticed my mum shoot Luke an instant look of disapproval and I couldn't even hide my frown. Her sour expression towards Luke ruined the moment I thought I just had with her.

What the hell mum? Not this shit again.

Dad finally let go of me so that he could shake Luke's hand.

"Thank you for everything you did for my daughter. I can't thank you enough for being there for her when I couldn't", my dad said to Lucas, pulling him in for a bear hug.

While my dad and Luke engaged in a conversation, appearing closer than ever, my mum pulled me closer to her and began whispering something into my ear:

"I'm doing this for you, not for him."

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