Born Again

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The belly of the earth groaned, reluctant to release Monty from its grip. The surrounding rock threatened another collapse. Working quickly and as precisely as possible, Monty crushed the boulders that pinned him down. The dust grew too thick to breath until dizziness threatened to overtake him.

With a final stroke, fresh air rushed in. Quickly, he freed his legs and escaped the compromised area as another collapse filled the space.

“Brother!” Kered pulled Monty further from the dust cloud.

Monty sniffed the reservoir in his mechanical bicep. He tipped it back, but found it dry. “Bother it all. I don’t suppose you found a speak easy while I was otherwise occupied? Or a still perhaps?”

Kered kicked Monty in the shin. “You know, I was just about to, until your distraction.”

“Well played. Now help me up.” Back on his feet, Monty checked the condition of his extremities. One knee appeared hyperextended and less than fully functional, but the pain had yet to set in. The rest of him had faired remarkably well. “It appears I’ll survive long enough to partake in a proper drink back at the farm. I rather fancy the grappo Sebastian makes.”

“After we find the tree, vanquish Beelzebub and find a way out of here, I’ll be chipper enough to join you.”

“You haven’t drunk anything stiffer than seltzer since father passed.”

“I haven’t had occasion.”

“I look forward to it.” Monty put an arm around his brother’s shoulders. “Not to change the subject, but you really think the Prince of Darkness lives in Idaho?”

The watchman, Zubiri, made his presence known. “He come here recently.”

“Indeed, I do.” Kered responded. “During your entombment, Mr. Zubiri and I discussed the matter in full.”

Monty probed the darkness with his ears. “And the others?”

Zubiri answered. “James and Ebru left to check on the cowardly weasel. Irish left after the earthquake buried ya, leaving just us unlikely clump of barnacles. Now that the tide’s turning, we best find James and Ebru before the devil do.”

“Lead the way. I’ll follow at your service.” Monty said.

Zubiri immediately scurried further in, leaving Kered and Monty to keep up. “You boys talk stranger than a shepherd three months from the village.”

“While we’re talking, do you mind if I ask one last question?”

“Toot your pretty.”

“Right.” Monty scratched his chin. “I’m curious as to the protocol when vanquishing an immortal spirit of unmentionable evil.”

Zubiri spit. “You give him what he wants and then poke him in the eyes before he sees it coming.”

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