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An AU where if your Soulmate gets hurt, a bunch of flowers start growing in the place of where your Soulmate got hurt.


Trigger Warning: self harm is being commited


Komaru Naegi, a young girl, was highly concerned for her Soulmate. Everyday flowers would appear mostly everywhere on her body. Lot's of her friends would ask her:

"Do you know your Soulmate yet?"


"Is your Soulmate O.K?"

But all Komaru could respond with was, "I don't know."

A new girl recently transfered to Hope's Peak High, her name was Toko Fukawa. When most schools get new students, the student body is still talking about said person in the next week, but when Toko was introduced, her classmates didn't really see much in her, and never even bothered talking to her. So she always sat at the back corner of the classroom so no one would notice her.

Komaru, being the nice girl she is, did go up to Toko once saying a simple 'hello', but all Toko did was cross her arms and looked away, letting out a, "Hmph." Because of this, most people thought of Toko as quite mean, resulting of lowering her chances of making any friends.

That night, more flowers appeared on Komaru's forearm. That night, she cried for her Soulmate, wishing for them to be alright.

The next day, while walking to her next class, Komaru could hear faint crying in the girls bathroom. She decided to go and check it out.

When she opened the door, the crying seemed to stop, as if the person didn't want Komaru to know that they were there.

Komaru went up to the shut door and knocked on it. "Hey, are you O.K in there?" Komaru asked, her voice soft as if not to give the other person anything else to worry about.

"Classes have already started, you're going to be late if you don't go now," Komaru continued trying to get the other person to come out.

Komaru could hear the flush of a toilet and then the door opened to reveal-

"Toko? Why were you crying? Are you O.K?" Komaru bombarded the brunette with a bunch of questions.

"Pfft, as if you'd care what I'm feeling. And I've never felt better... I'm going," Toko responded lifting her school bag onto her shoulder and walking away.

As Toko walked off, Komaru could notice a trail of blood coming from underneath Toko's sleeve and trailing down her hand and fingers.

Without thinking about it, Komaru tightly grasped Toko's wrist and pulled up her sleeve, to reveal a bunch of cuts, some still fresh.

"W-What are you d-doing?!" Toko practically screamed at Komaru, pulling back her arm and hiding it.

"W... Why?" Komaru asked, nearly on the verge of tears.

"Hmph, as if someone like you would ever give a damn about me. Just let me-" Toko stopped, looking down at Komaru's arm and then back at her own.

Komaru noticed the change of Toko's mood. "What?"

"Y-You're arm..." Toko responded, pointing to Komaru's left arm.

"What about it?" Komaru asked, looking down at it. It was all covered in flowers. She looked at Toko weirdly as Toko looked at her own arm... but then it hit her.

The cuts and the flowers on both of their arms were on the exact same arm.

"Wait... so does this mean-"

"We're... Soulmates?" Komaru finished, smiling as wide as she could.

Everything was quiet until Komaru let out a high pitched squeel and hugged Toko.

"I have finally found you!"

"Ugh, what are you doing!?"

"I'm... hugging you... have you not been hugged before?"

"No... can you get off me now?" Toko asked, trying to wiggle free from Komaru's embrace.

"Y'know, we will work on you getting used to hugs another time... but... since we are Soulmates... could you at least tell me why you did that?" Komaru asked, pointing at Toko's arm.

Toko sighed, and that is exactly what she did.

She told Komaru about how both of her mothers aren't exactly parents of the year. She told her about all the bullying that went on in her other schools and her fear of it happening at Hope's Peak. She told Komaru how difficult it was to make friends because of her cold personality.

By the end, Komaru was crying herself, and went to hug Toko again. Toko knew that she wasn't going to get Komaru off anytime soon, so she just awkwardly let her stay there, patting her head.

"Toko, I-I am so sorry. I h-had no idea th-this was what you have t-to deal with everyday!" Komaru sniffled, burying her head in the crook of Toko's neck.

"It's fine... I'm used to it..." Toko sighed.

"Well you shouldn't be. No one should ever have to go through this or live like this..."

Toko just looked away.

"But you have me now," Komaru said. She walked off to get some tissue and gestured to Toko for her to hold out her arm. Toko hesitantly let Komaru grab a hold of her arm and Komaru used the tissue to wipe off at least some of the blood. After that, Komaru kissed each cut on Toko's arm which made Toko turn a dark shade of red and a stuttering mess.

"Please don't do this ever again. I know it may be difficult, but I know you can get throught this. We will get through it together," Komaru said, pulling down Toko's sleeve and holding her hand.

For the first time in her entire life, Toko smiled. She was happy to have met Komaru that day and to find out they were both Soulmates and-

"Oh my gosh, we are so late for class!! C'mon let's go," Komaru shouted, grabbing Toko's hand and dragging her to their next class.

From that day on, Komaru and Toko spent every single day of their life together, and the best thing is that no more flowers appeared on Komaru's body.


Holy hecceroni

But henlo everyone

For some odd reason I feel like this was bad or maybe a little cliche but idk

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, considering the trigger warning ;;

Im sorry tho, sometimes you just like seeing the character you like sad... it is weird thinking about it 🤔

Wish i had a gf as good as Komaru i cri

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