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An AU when the first thing your Soulmate says to you is written on your arm.


It was another beautiful, sunny day at the famous Hope's Peak High.

A very happy looking young girl was walking around the school.

Komaru was the name of the girl. She was on her way to meet her brother at his home room. It was currently lunchtime and she needed to give him his lunch, plus she liked her brother, so that was all the more reason to see him.

When she took a sharp turn into her brothers home room, she accidentally walking into the Ultimate Gambler, Celestia Lundenberg.

"Aah, I'm sorry, I'm so clumsy, heh," Komaru apologised, scratching the back of her head nervously.

"Apology accepted, but please, refrain from this happening ever again," Celestia said, and walked out of the room.

Komaru waited until she was out of sight and then continued to walk over to where her brother was sitting.

"Hi Makoto," Komaru said, getting the attention of her brother.

"Hey Ko, I saw you walked into Celestia, you okay? I tend to stay away from her, she scares me sometimes," Makoto said, feeling scared for his sister.

"Yeah, I'm fine, she just gave me a little warning. Nothing to worry about though," Komaru smiled, taking her brothers lunch and putting it in front of him.

"Here, now don't go forgetting about your lunch again. Mum puts in so much food, it was weighing my bag down," Komaru jokingly said.

"Well it's not my fault she puts in a lot. I eat it all anyway," Makoto laughed at his little sister.

Komaru decided to stay with her brother and they ate their lunch together. She didn't mind, her friends would know where she was if they ever needed her.

The bell rang, signalling the end of lunch and the beginning of their last lesson for the day.

"Aah well, I'll see you after school," Makoto said to Komaru, putting his lunch box inside his bag and taking out his school work for the last few lessons of the day.

"Bye bro!" Komaru chirped, hugging Makoto, before making her way out of the classroom.

But on her way out, Komaru walked into yet another person.

"Ugh, watch where you're going!" The person said.

"Aah, I'm so sorry!" Komaru replied, embarrassed to walk into someone again. She really needed to look where she was going.

The girl Komaru walked into seemed to just stop.

"Why does that sound familiar...?" She mumbled to herself.

The girl pulled up the sleeve on her school uniform and her eyes widened.

"This... this can't be..."

Komaru caught on and looked down at her own arm to see the black words there, which said 'Ugh, watch where you're going!'. Now Komaru understood why the girl was panicking.

"O-Oh, we're soulmates..." Komaru said, more to herself than the girl.

"Oh well, don't sound too disappointed..." The girl said, pulling her sleeve back down and crossing her arms.

"No! I'm not, you're... you're actually kinda cute..." Komaru said to her, blushing a little bit, and then started to giggle cause the girl started to blush as well, a lot more than her though.

"I-I'm... I'm not..." the girl said, looking away.

Komaru smiled and ripped out a sheet of paper from her book, and wrote a bunch of numbers on it. "I have to go to class, but hey, here's my number."

She handed the girl the sheet, and before the girl could say thank you, Komaru was already on her way out.

The girl back around to see the entire class looking at her, which caused her to cover her face with her school book.

She walked over to her desk, and she felt a light tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see it was Makoto.

"Welcome to the family, Fukawa," he said to her, smiling.

The girl just groaned.


A,,, a happy one?!?!? Uwu yeh

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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