Their life storys

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Jack Avery
Jack had a great life, great family, but when he wanted to do music. He told his whole family about it. Everyone had jack's back besides his dad. His father wanted him to get a "real" job like at office or something. One day jack was at his grandma's house and she gave him a Beautiful guitar. Later that day she died. 5 days later  his dad saw it and destroyed the guitar. Jack was already was having trouble with his grandma dying with his guitar that put the nail in the coffin for jack

Corbyn besson
Corbyn caught Christian cheating on him with his best friend of 15 years. Christian's last words to him were "well didn't you expect it you dumb bitch like I only wanted you for sex and money ." Those words broken corbyn's poor heart. When corbyn saw that happen he got depressed. Corbyn didn't leave his room 3 months and didn't eat up to 1 week.

Zach Herron
When school ended Zach's parents decided that he should spend 1 1/2 months of summer with his aunt. When Zach got there he was treated horribly. On the daily he would get beaten, drudged, name calling, and not feed for days. When Zach came back he lost 37 pounds, had scars and cuts all over his body, and he bad trust issues. In hope of getting back Zach they know and love sent him here to try and to help him

Daniel Seavey
Daniel turn out gay. Daniel was happy with his life because everyone let him be. Daniel even got to go on dates with other guys. Daniel was on date at cute little cafe when one of his dad friends saw them together. Once Daniel's dad heard of this news. He was mad. So mad that he took Daniel to the house with his mother no knowing until 2 weeks later.

Jonah Marais Roth Frantzich
Jonah was beaten for 2 year. Until he was ten where he was put up to adoption. Once he got adopted his life was perfect. Until his mother came back into his life. She would try to kidnap him. Once she finally did he was kidnapped for 2ish months. in those 2 months his mother sold him to a man who put him in sex traffic .

I hope you enjoy the rest of this book and a special thx my other half jacklyn12698 for editing this book making sure everything is good I love her so much

Started November 13th 2018

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