The opended file part 2

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Kate Kirkland POV
      I was about to head into the main offices when a bunch of men grabs me. "WHAT THE HELL!!!" I scream. The men throw me into the back of the van. Ibang on the back of the door. As I was banging on the door. One of the men came to the back and yelled at me to stop. I stopped three minutes later because my hand started to hurt. " fuck" I groaned

   10 minutes later

   I felt the car coming to stop. Final I can get out of this hell. The men open the car door. They pull me violently out of the door. I try to struggle against their grip, but they where too strong. The men drag me to little rooms. They throw me in a tiny room . I swear my dad wants me to help him on breaking the "patients". I going to regret ever treating me like shit.

Daniel POV

I see them throw a girl into a room next to Corbyn's room. I wonder why she in here? Maybe she will help us get the hell out of here? Probably not. Oh well better to be friends then foes

I think I'm going to discontinue this book, I have really nothing to write about in this book😕

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