Here to help

53 4 2

Kate POV
        I been here for a day. And can tell that every one that works here knows that Mr.Davis has a connection with me. They just don't know what. But I have seen I have been treated differently. Like is 10x better food than what they normal sever. Also I have access to banded items in this hell hole. All I need to do is ask. Which is weird. Anyways I was walking down the hallways. Looking for something that help me and the others to get out of here.

       I was told that I needed to back to my room. I knew what's happening. It's the time where they start beating people. They do this as a punishment. Even for the simplest things. Like dropping a piece of food on the floor. I see them drag a very tall brunette to the room. Next I see them drag fake blonde with two lines tattooed on his arm. Two at time that must mean that Greg is doing it today. Which means I can use him to help me.

      I yelled at the worker to come here. "Yes, what would you like ma'am" the worker said with a fake smile. "Can I have a soda please" I said return the fake smile. "Sure" he said. Two minutes later he returned with a soda. "Thank you" I say while grabbing the soda. I drank the soda and hide the can in my room I waiting 5 minutes before asking worker if I can go into the room to "watch". He agreed and took me there. I walked in the room. To see not only the two that where dragged into earlier but to see the rest. Thing is about Greg he helps the boys. As I looking at the boys. I see a fake blonde with blue eyes drinking apple juice. I smile because since they been here they have been treated good. I walked up to Greg as he is cleaning a boy with curls cuts. "Greg I need your help." I said. He turns to me "With what?" He questions "To get me and then the he'll out of here" I stated "Ok" he said " Um miss why are you taking us with you?" The boy drinking apple juice said

   "You don't deserve to be here love." I said "neither of you deserve to be here" " where will go after this?" A shorter brunette asked "well I have a safe house or you guys can go back to your families." "How can we trust you?"a different fake blonde asked. "You just have to" I stated "I'm Corbyn" he spoke again "I'm Zach" the shorter brunette said. "I'm Daniel" said the one drinking apple juice. "I'm Jonah" said the tall brunette " I'm jack" said the one with curls. "I'm Kate" I said. "Wait your the one I saw on the file." Jonah said. "Why are you here it didn't list why?" Jonah said. "I'm here cause I meant to break you guys." I said "I thought you said we could trust you." Zach with venom in his voice. "I'm not going to break you guys I need help you to get out of here" I said "But Why Kate" Corbyn asked "You don't deserve to be here love."

This is long one today and I updated in the same week!!! Anyways bye loves❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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