The beginning

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Satoshi and Yoshiki were best friends, no one could deny that. Is it possible to fall in love with your best friend who's a guy? Well of course it was because Yoshiki had done just that. The two of them where walking home from another boring and exhausting day at kisaragi and that's when Satoshi brought up how he was useless.

"Useless? Oh I beg to differ-"

"But I am! I can even handle one of Ayumi's stories" Satoshi said, slouching slightly. Yoshiki chuckled at a memory of Satoshi screaming during one story about a women, who had drowned in her own blood whilst taking a bath. Satoshi pouted and crossed his arms, eyes on the floor. God he looked so cute. Yoshiki blushed at the thought.

"Face it, I fail at everything I do" Satoshi muttered with a huff.

"Oh really? What do you 'fail' at then?" Yoshiki asked, quoting 'fail' with his fingers. Satoshi turned to him with a frown.

"Sport, Drawing, music, dancing, cooking, Math, woodwork- Come on Yoshiki, name some" Satoshi said, raising a finger at every topic mentioned.

"First, you are good at music, you got one for the highest levels in the class. I haven't seen you dance or tasted your cooking so I don't know about that and you're not THAT bad at sport. Also, isn't EVERYONE bad at math?" Yoshiki said, looking down at his cute friend.

"You've got to be joking, I am terrible at sport. Even a 7 year old is better then me at sport" Satoshi said as he looked up at the male blond.

"Dude, you're the only one who's managed to tackle me in rugby and I'm the best player" Yoshiki said.

"I got lucky"

"Yeah, keep saying that" The two walked in silence, not sure of what to say until Yoshiki got an idea. He stopped in his tracks, staying still on the spot, causing Satoshi to stop when he realized Yoshiki was standing there and turned to look at him.

"Um, is everything ok?" The brunette asked whilst analysing him, only for the blond to nod, slowly walking over to his friend hands in his pockets.

"You know how you said you fail at all those things?" Yoshiki started and the small boy looked nodded, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, why don't we practice all those things to help you improve" He suggested, a faint happiness of being close to his crush breaking though bit it went unnoticed or it was unannounced by the other. He didn't expect Satoshi to hug his waist whilst nuzzling his chest, ending with the blond to become a blushing, stuttering mess.

"You'd do that? F-For me?" The boy questioned, excitement lacing itself in Satoshi's voice. Yoshiki smiled at how happy the suggestion had made the other before nodding as his hands moved from awkwardly sitting at his sides to moving to Satoshi's back to return the embrace.

"Of course I will" He sure as hell did he feel good when he saw Satoshi's brown eyes sparkle with happiness.

"Oh thank you! You're the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for!" He said before he happily walked ahead, eager to get home so they could proceed with the new task.

"A moment of silence for our fallen brother of the friendzone" A voice said. Yoshiki turned to see Seiko smiling at him. He was sure it was sinister, way too sinister.

"Seiko? How did you-"

"Don't tell me you didn't think I didn't notice. Any matchmaker can tell when one is in the friendzone!" Seiko said as she stood beside him, waving a finger as if she was saying the wising thing ever.

"How can I get out of it then all 'so mighty matchmaker?" Yoshiki said, making the brunette girl smile.

"Just grow a pair and tell him. You mean the world to him and even though he has Yuka, his parents have been away with work recently and that just isn't enough. He depends on you the most-"

"YOSHIKI HURRY YOUR ASS!" Satoshi shouted. Yoshiki blushed.

"Tell him. Don't get lost in the friendzone for too long" Seiko said and Yoshiki walked off with a small wave.

At the end of the day,the two had made up a list which included:






Wood/metal work,

Ice skating,



Making money and


Stop doubting yourself-Yoshiki x SatoshiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ