Pass me the script

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"Why are you making me do all this stuff!?" Yoshiki asked as Satoshi handed him a script.

"Because you said you'd help me improve so deal with it Yosh" Satoshi said as he opened the paper. Yoshiki sighed, started to read through the script. He blushed, realizing that it was a romantic play.

'Coincidence? I THINK NOT!' He thought, mentally cheering.

"Um.... What are those parts? Y'know, the things in brackets?" Satoshi asked in confusion, reading it. Yoshiki followed the brunette's gaze on paper only to fix his gaze on the area in his own paper.

"You mean this?" He said pointing at it. Satoshi peered over and nodded.


"Those are stage directions"

"Stage directions?"

"Yeah, it's what you do while on stage. For example, here says 'Conner sits down' it's in the brackets or stage directions and you do what it says. The person playing Conner would sit down" Yoshiki explained and Satoshi nodded.

"Thanks, we don't usually use scripts in class much so I didn't know" Satoshi said with a smile.

"Should we get Morishge? I mean he is good with this stuff?" Yoshiki asked and Satoshi brought a finger to his cheek scratching it slightly.

"Um... Isn't he off sick?" Yoshiki frowned, thinking hard.

"Oh yeah.. I forgot" He said and turned to the brunette.

"We could try without him" Satoshi's suggested.

"We might as well, we've already started" Yoshiki started to read the script while Satoshi watches his grey eyes scanning the paper.


"Yes?" Yoshiki looked up from the script and at the flustered brunette. Satoshi looked away, twiddling his thumbs nervously.

"N-Naomi told me that she loved me" He said and Yoshiki chuckled to hide his shattering heart.

"And?" He asked, hinting for him to carry on. Satoshi bit his lip and looked up at the tall blond, locking their eyes.

"I-I told her that I didn't return her feelings" He said, making Yoshiki's eyes widen. Satoshi had always went on about how he love Naomi so why didn't he return Naomi's feelings?

"D-Didn't you want that? For her to love you I mean" Yoshiki asked, raising an eyebrow. He could feel his heart slowly mending.

"I-I like someone else" And there goes the mending heart. He could feel it crack as he never lost eye contact with the boy in front of him.

"You love someone else... Other than Nashishma?" He asked and Satoshi nodded.

"Yeah... They're really nice and helpful" The brunette said, blushing deeply. Yoshiki frowned by quickly masked it with a smile.

"Well, good luck with getting them" Yoshiki said as he patted Satoshi's back. He went to read the script when Satoshi sighed sadly. He lowered the paper and turned to his shorter friend.

"Is something wrong Satoshi?" He asked, concerned for his crush/friend.

"It's that.... I'm not sure of they like me.... I don't want to regret telling them If they don't return the feelings" Satoshi confessed and Yoshiki put the paper down.

"Listen Satoshi. Half of the schools population of girls love you so suck it up and tell them how you or you'll lose your chance" He said as he smiled at him. If only he followed his own advice...

Satoshi blushed and looked at his hands, suddenly finding them the most interesting thing in the room.

"I guess..." Yoshiki smiled.

"That's the spirit" He then turned his attention to the script in his hands.

"Shall we start?" The blonde asked.


~~~ X ~~~

Yoshiki's face was bright red by the time they were halfway through. Satoshi really couldn't understand and position himself right so he had to move Satoshi into position. If being near him made his heart race, then you couldn't imagine how he felt when he hand to move Satoshi's limbs to get him into position. He swore his cheeks were so hot that Satoshi could feel the heat from across the room.

However things weren't much better with Satoshi. He was purposely getting into the wrong position because.... because he desired Yoshiki's touch. Just having his fingers brush against his skin or even clothing was enough to make butterflies fly about in his stomach. It was worse when Yoshiki had to move his leg or arm,even his whole body! He did enjoy it but he wasn't sure how long he could resist him being that near, being able to feel his hot breath against his ear.

"How can you not understand this!? This is the third time Satoshi!" Yoshiki complained, pulling away from the now pouting brunette and folded his arms.

"I don't know... I think I get it enough though..." Satoshi muttered. Yoshiki sighed before looking at his script and muttered words before looking over at Satoshi who was waiting patiently for his reply.

"Okay, we're going to practice this so stay still and try not to move so much, okay?" Yoshiki asked. Satoshi nodded before lying down on the 'bed' they made out of stools that had been scattered across the drama room. Yoshiki walked off stage before waiting a few seconds.

He walked out from behind the curtains with a worried look on his face.

"Are you PLAY!? I came as fast as I could!" Yoshiki asked in a voice dipped with worry. Satoshi smiled a small smile, as told to do so in the script.

"I'm alright... I just missed you. I've been so lonely here in this horrid hospital room..." Satoshi said softly. Yoshiki was amazed at how soft his voice had gotten.

"I'm here now so don't fret, (Damn... I sound so formal) I'm here now. I know you hate hospitals but at least try to endure it. Do you think you can last till next week?" Yoshiki asked, kneeling near Satoshi's 'bed'.

"I guess I can try, only if you promise to visit everyday" Satoshi said with a cheeky grin. Yoshiki smiled. The character was so much like Satoshi, innocent and silly. Satoshi raised his pinky as if to seal the deal, still smiling innocently.

"I promise" His pinky linked with Satoshi and a spark shot through them, making them gasp. They tore their hands away in surprise.

"Damn! W-W hat was that!?" Satoshi asked, breaking out of character. Yoshiki frowned. He wasn't sure himself so he didn't know the answer. He looked at the carpet under him and sighed.

"It might be a little electric shock, we are wearing socks and I'm here on the carpet" Yoshiki muttered, blaming the carpet because there had been no other explanations, not any he could think of anyway. Satoshi nodded in agreement.

"Lets start again" Satoshi said. Yoshiki nodded, getting up and walking off. While he walked over to the curtains, his hand went to his head ruffled his hair with a look of confusion on his face. Just what had happened there?



Wood/metal work,





Ice skating,


Making money and


Stop doubting yourself-Yoshiki x SatoshiWhere stories live. Discover now