Kiss it better

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Wood work. Yoshiki was dreading this moment as he and Satoshi stood before their table. They were in their Design technology metal and woodwork department of the lesson so they chose to carry on with improving Satoshi's 'failures'.

"So they want us to bang the metal?" Satoshi said, causing Yoshiki to chuckle. Damn his dirty mind...

"Look at me Naomi! I'M BANGING THE METAL!" Sekio's cheery voice shouted from the other side of the room, her comment making Naomi laugh, followed by Yoshiki, who clenched onto the wooden surface. Satoshi lookd at him unamused, waiting for Yoshiki to start.

"Alright" He muttered as he regained himself, wiping away tears hat had seeped from his eyes as he had his laughing fit. He grabbed the piece of copper given to him by Satoshi, who had gotten it from their teacher, and placed it onto the clamp. Readying himself, picked up the hammer that rested on the table and he tested his grip on it before holding it over the metal. He lowered it ever so lightly as if to test its position, only to be raised back up at a certain height.

"Why am I doing this when you're the one the list is for" Yoshiki asked, trying to get out of it as he only saw bad outcomes. Satoshi sighed, crossing his arms over his apron covered chest and looked at him with a bored look across his face.

"Just hurry up and do it" He pushed. Yoshiki let out a breath, holding the hammer over the metal.

"Lets do this" Yoshiki muttered to himself before he slammed the hammer down, the tool colliding with the Cooper piece. Yoshiki smiled before repeatedly slamming the hammer onto the metal.

"Yoshiki you need to-"

"QUIET I'M BANGING THE METAL!" Yoshiki shouted over the noise of not only his hammer hitting the copper, the others as well, that were getting on with their lesson.

"Stop. Hammer time" Yoshiki joked, hitting the copper. Satoshi's laughter distracted him as he lost grip on the copper, the bent metal slicing his finger. He yelped in pain, dropping the hammer on their work surface, not caring for the loud nosie it created. He eyed his finger, holding his own wrist whilst wincing.

"FUCK THAT HURTS!" He shouted, grateful the teacher hadn't heard him curse over all the noise of the room.

"Are you alright- oooh, that must hurt" Satoshi said, wincing himself before dragging Yoshiki to the medical room (with permission from their teacher of course) and wrapped up his finger with a band aid.

"There! All better!" Satoshi said as he admired his work. He went red before he hesitantly laid a kiss on the bandaged finger.

"What was that for?" Yoshiki asked as he his face grew a tainted pink.

"It's to make it better. Yuka always make me kiss her injuries better, she says it helps because love is the best cure" Satoshi exaplained as he rubbed the back of his head with his hand, smiling nervously.

"Oh...Well thanks" Yoshiki said, getting to his feet with a stretch.

"You do know we're gonna use a saw soon" Yoshiki paled.

"Don't worry, I'll use it first" Satoshi said, as they returned to their lesson. Yoshiki watched as Satoshi inserted a new metal piece into the metal vice and turned the handle to tighten it so kept in place. After experimenting with the hammer, the brunette held the saw over the piece of copper.

"Remember what they said, use the whole blade" Satoshi reminded himself as he tilted himself, beginning to saw back and forth, using the whole blade as instructed. It cut quicker then the first time he tried, which as only using the middle. He smiled as he began to tilt the saw and cut a little before resting it on the table, tilting the metal piece before resuming cutting. Once he had finished, he turned to Yoshiki with a bright smile showing him the once rectangular piece that had been cut into a fish.

"Hey Yoshiki, can you get me the filer-"

"What the fuck is a filer?" Yoshiki asked, looking at his friend like he was crazy.

"Didn't you listen to the teacher?" Yoshiki shook his head.

"What makes you think I listen?"

"A filer is used to smooth out the edges so they're not sharp and won't hurt someone" Satoshi explained. Sighing, the blonde walked over to the trays of equipment, looking for the label saying 'fillers', only to groan in frustration at the fact he couldn't find them.

"Looking for something?" Yoshiki turned sharply to see Seiko holding the needed object. He narrowed his eyes at her. Why would she know? Did she eavesdrop?

"Yes" He answered plainly. She handed it to him with a smirk, a dark smirk that made Yoshiki gulp don a breath.

"How's it going? Grew a pair yet and told him?"S he asked with a wink, making his face go a deep red.

"I'm working on it!" He said quickly as if to throw her off whilst he walked away. He handed the filer to Satoshi, who smiled and muttered a 'thank you'

"What don't you have a go? Use the whole thing and relax. Not too hard, not too soft but lots of pressure" Satoshi explained whilst showing him a demonstration on what to do. When Yoshiki understood what to do, he nodded in response and took the object from the brumette. He began to file the edges, using his good finger to test them, if they were sharp but didn't prick his finger, the they needed filing, if not, they were done.

"I think it's done" He conformed, making Satoshi come over and test it. When he was sure it was 100% done, Satoshi took themetal fish out the vice before he left, leaving his blonde friend confused. After a few minutes, he returned with impressions and turned to Yoshiki, who stared at the hammer with wide eyes.

"I'm not touching that thing" He said, backing away with his hand up in a defensive wave. The brunette laughed at his friends antics before positioning the impression on the place he wanted and hit it with the hammer. He then removed the impression and smiled as it left the wanted patterned impression on it.

"If you ask me your pretty fucking good at this" Yoshiki as he took out a piece of paper with the list on and crossed out Wood/metal work.

"At this rate, you'll be a God at everything" Satoshi laughed at his comment.

"Nah, and you were good to just... You were confident and as serous as I am" Satoshi explained. Yoshiki chuckled but nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, well I don't attend school all that much and I have a job at the music store I don't see the point in metal work and stuff" Yoshiki confessed.



Wood/metal work,





Ice skating,


Making money and


Stop doubting yourself-Yoshiki x SatoshiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora