And so it begins

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"Okay, so what are we drawing again?" Satoshi asked as he looked at his blond friend. Yoshiki spun the pencil that was being held before dropping it. He sighed, tapping the wooden table with his slender fingers.

"Um... Let's try drawing... Urrr, a sheep!" He randomly said, sounding more enthusiastic than he had intended. Satoshi chuckled at the randomness of the blond's outburst, a hand moving to his mouth to mask his laughter.

"Okay!" He picked up a pencil, sharpening it so the tip was sharp before he brought the the pencil to his finger, pricking it. He quickly moved it, bringing the cut index finer to his mouth and sucked on his index finger with an adorable pout. He was fully unaware of Yoshiki watching his adorable behaviour with a small smile on his face.

After a while, Satoshi finally started his drawing, tongue poking out the corner of his mouth in concentration. He had eraser rubbings scattered all over his paper, which were either wiped or blown away carefully and cautiously. He smiled when he finished and peeked at Yoshiki's before slamming his hand to his mouth, trying to suppress his laughter with no success. This had resorted to the brunette leaning on the poor blond teen, who became a blushing wreck at the sudden closeness.

"W-What's so funny?" Yoshiki asked, glancing over his shoulder so he could see the other the other better. He waited for Satoshi finish giggling, expecting an answer.

"Yours looks like a cloud with legs and a circle for its head, Its really cool"

"Isn't that what they are? Living fluffy clouds?" Yoshiki said with a hint of a smirk. It was a reference to when they were younger, Satoshi had said that Sheep where living fluffy clouds. Yoshiki made it his mission to never let him forget it, hence why he was a great friend.. Satoshi blushed in embarrassment at the memory, rubbing the back of his neck with a chuckle

"We where, like, 5 years old! It is normal for a kid that age to mistake a sheep for a cloud" Satoshi said as he laughed. Yoshiki sighed as he regained himself, glancing at his drawing one more time before looking at the brunette.

"Yeah well, can I see yours?" He asked, making Satoshi shy away, but he nodded nevertheless. Hiding his face, he showed him the picture that he had spent ages on. Yoshiki gasped. It was perfect, so good that he could mistake it for a photo if it had been coloured in and framed, other than the occasional messy lines.

"It's bad isn't it?" The small teen said somewhat embarrassed and ashamed. Yoshiki shook his head, dismissing Satoshi's comment immediately as he examined the drawing again.

"Oh God no, it's really good! How could you say you were bad at this?" Satoshi only shrugged as an answer, face red with a smile.

"Well, I didn't know that I could draw really..." He said, his blush leaving his face. Yoshiki sucked in a breath.

"How could you say you were bad if you didn't know you were good at it?" He asked with amusement. Satoshi shrugged again.

"It was a hunch" He muttered. Yoshiki sighed.

"Okay, Topic change, What instrument do you play?" He asked, spinning in his chair to look at the instruments in his room. Because of his work at the music shop, he was given many instruments they needed to dispose of to bring in the newer models.

"Hmmm, I like to play the piano, what about you?" Satoshi asked as he seated himself on the piano stool, hands clenched into fists resting on his lap.

"This isn't about me, Satoshi. Show me what you can play" Yoshiki said. Satoshi frowned, looking down sadly.

"But I really wanted know what you played..."

"I- um- I play guitar" Yoshiki said, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment and nervousness.

"Cool!" This cheered the boy up as he sat up and faced the large, grand piano, readying himself. After a few seconds, a beautiful melody erupted into the room as Satoshi's small, thin fingers pressed against the keys to create a harmony. Yoshiki recognized the tune just as soon as it started he was playing the piece 'A river flows in you' and he remembered that he learned how to play it. Unknown by Satoshi, Yoshiki grabbed one of the guitars that sat on its stand and began to strum along. Satoshi stopped to turned to face him for a moment before a smile broke out on his face as he began to continue where Yoshiki was. Their instruments melody clashing together to create a beautiful melody that rang in their ears like a lullaby. Their eyes met as they continued to play, not needing to see what they were pressing.

Yoshiki smiled when Satoshi looked down at his hands, blush visible on his face. Maybe just maybe... Satoshi felt the same.

Hopefully he did.



Wood/metal work,





Ice skating,


Making money and


Stop doubting yourself-Yoshiki x SatoshiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin