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The sun shines bright over the skyscrapers of the city. Rivers of cars move in every direction. Layla sits in the back of a black fancy Mercedes Benz and listens how her step father is complaining to her mother. He keeps on yapping about how Layla should go to boarding school in the UK and about how good it would be for her. He just wants to get rid of me she thinks to her self as she puts in her ear phones and starts listening to a remix of Funhouse. Her phone buzzes and she checks to see a text from her friend Lilley.

Hey gf so siked about the formal

Ya I know right it's ganna be awesome

So did he ask you or what?

Yeah! he asked me cant believe it he is sooo cute!

Oms he is tots u lucky gall

Oh im always lucky

LOL gtg ttyl


Layla puts down her phone and stares  into the distance and listens to the beat of the song as the car drives of into the distance.

About 180 miles away. Out in the green landscapes of the country, four guys seround a wild Mustang horse. One of them has a rope in his hand twirling it as the other try to keep the horse boxed in, " Daniels anytime would be a good time to do something!" ,"Quiet and keep him occupied!" Daniels twirls the rope a few times as he aims for the horses neck. He releases the rope and it sails over the horses head. Daniels pulls him steady and  one of the guys charge towards the horses side. He gives a big leap and lands on the horses back. He struggels to steady himself, but quick enough he sits up right and Daniels tosses the rope to him. "Jackson hold him steady! If you fall your as good as dead!" ," I know the drill! Now shut up I'm busy!"

The horse jumps wildly,but Jackson is using all his might to stay steady. "When-n-n w-will th-h-is d-dam h-ho-orse tire?!" Jackson studders as the horse bounces up and down," Just hold on a little longer rodeo boy!"
Eventually the horse tires out and the four keep him boxed in. Daniels holds an apple in his hand and slowly approaches the mustang horse. The horse gently takes the apple and Daniels pets him on the head, "We got him boys great job,lets het him to his new home."

" Wow girl this dress looks fabulously  fabulous oh my soul!" Lilley  shouts over the phone as Layla poses in front of the phone with n sparkly red dress, their video chatting has cost the WiFi  a gigabyte or two as they continue to chat and try on multiple dresses,"I don't know... it's just... it's to much." Layla replies looking in the mirror. She bites her lip struggling to decide if she looks good enough or not," Come on doll. If you won't  wear that dress I will." Layla giggles, but then hears the door slam in a other room and a explosion of shouting erupts. Layla drops her shoulders and pinches  her eyes with her fingers, "What is that? Sounds like cats and dogs out there." Lilley shifts around on the screen as if she's trying to see what's happening her self, " Ya it's my mom and Mr. Asshole again." , " Oh that sounds like my queue to leave, bey girlfriend." Layla waves goodbye as they dissconect.

The shouts come closer and eventually barges through the door. Her mom and step dad calmly stand in front of her. Her mom stands there with a huge forced smile and anger in her eyes," Hi sweetie um... we have something to discuss with you." Her mom says in gentle voice, " Is this about boarding school, because I'm  not going." , " No! It's  not that, but it would have been nice wouldn't it?" The stepdad interrupts. Her mom looks at him with fire in her eyes and not the good tipe and then turns back to Layla "Sweetie we're  going away for about two weeks and we thought it would be best to send you off to Aunt Mary up state, you do rember her and her little boy Daniel right?" Layla looks in disbelief "No wait the formal is over a month I need to plan everything I can't  just go! Why can't  I just stay at lilleys?" Her mother tries to speak,but is interrupted by the asshole," Because we don't  trust you two alone for two weeks. You're  going to your moms friend and thats final!"

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