Part 2

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A few days later Jackson and Daniels stroll over the green landscapes of the country. They're walking back from the small town about six miles away from their farms, " So what should we call the horse?" Jackson asks Daniels," Well that horse is a pure mustang so I think it's only fair to call him Mustang." Jackson nods in approval," But Jacson since we're here there's something I need to tell you..."

On their way to to the Farm in the pitch black Mercedes Layla sits with her head in her hands almost about to cry," Honey the Formal is not till the beginning of next month you will have more than enough time to plan it." Her mother tries to convince her, " But it has to be perfect. Roben asked me to go with him. Roben, do you know who Roben is? Only just like the cutest face in school I'll be so embarrassed if I'm not perfect." She says keeping her head in her hands, " You will be honey..." She keeps quiet for a second, " And you're going to love it here. I mean you still remember Daniels don't you. You where like the best of friends." Layla raises her head, " Who? Daniels? I haven't seen him sense we were seven thats a decade ago!" , " Well I'm sure he'd be happy to let you stay with him for two weeks."

"... I'm going away for a week or so" , " Where are you going? , " That's a story for when I get back.", "Well brother I hope you enjoy it."
Daniels and Jackson walk to the back alley of Daniels house when they see a black Mercedes drive into Daniels drive way," Looks like your week away just came to you." Jackson says laughing," Who is it?"
" I have no idea..."

The Country Side LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora