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The voice of complaining echos through a wide open grass field where Jackson tries to escape Layla while she keeps on babbling about how miserable she is about bieng stuck in the country side and about how important the summers formal dance is to her.

" Like do you know that all the girls are going to be there? I'll be dead if I'm not there. And Tristan! Oh my gosh if I'm not ready I'll die!" She buries her face in her hands.

" If you do then just be quiet about it will you?"

" Ugh! Not to mention I have a jackass to take care of me! Doesn't my mother know how dangerous this is I mean you could kidnap me!"

" Ha! Trust me if anyone would kidnap you, they'd bring you right back." Jackson laughs on
Layla gives him a cold hurtful stare.

" Come on barbie we're almost there."

Jackson turns around and sees the cheecky chick standing arms crossed.

" What are you doing?"
"I'm standing here until you promise to be nicer and to stop calling me barbie."

" I don't have time for this."
Layla stands put and gives him a cheeky pout.

" Layla... you it looks like you haven't given me any other choice."

" No I haven't. "

" Well ok then."

He first walks away, but when he turns around he sees she called his bluff. He sighs. Turns around. And charges towards her.

"Wait no what are you doing?! No stop! Help!"

She runs away screaming blody murder while he charges after her.

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