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The Black Mercedes comes to a stop and a cloud of dust swivels through the air. Daniels younger sister runs out of their house curious about the new car she never saw before. " Bwhothe who awhe this people?" She couldn't prenonce R properly and always brought a giggle to everyone when she spoke. " Don't  know little sis, but we're going to find out now."
"Should we go get awe shot gawne and stick it to them?" Her eyes are innocent  as she hops up and down of excitement. Jackson can't help but laugh, but also gives Daniels the look of ' this is your doing'.

When she opens the door the sharp sunlight stings her eyes and the smell of dust itches in her nose. She gives a quick sneezs and finds her shades and still has her earphones on. How am I supposed to live with a guy who's  like a complete stranger to me. She thought to her self as she fidgets with her nails not noticing the small wide eyed child before her... yet, before she almost walked over the little girl she stopped dead in her tracks. " Oh hi there little girl what's your name?"
" Daniella and youws?" Layla gave a small little aw at the girl who can't say R just yet. " My name is Layla."
"Should I go get the shot gawn and stick it to you?" Layla's face froze. Awkwardly staring at the innocent smile. By this time Jackson in back behind the house laughing till the tears ran down his cheecks. Daniels walks up to Layla. Her mother started unloading and the Jackass still sits in the car waiting impatiently for them to take of. Guess he doesn't like the country as well. Daniels mother and father walks out the front door with luggage of their own and froze when they saw the black Mercedes. Before Daniel can ask Layla who she is his mother called from behind. " Jennifer?" Layla's mom stopped struggling with the suitcase and took some stray hairs out of her face.
" Sally... hey how you been?"
Sally walks up to Jennifer and raps her in a tight hug. " It's so good to see you it has been ages."
"Ya I know. I'm sorry we didn't call, but we were is such a hurry."
As their conversation grows quietly Daniels turns back to Layla. He takes a few seconds and finally realises who she is.

" Oh Layla dam its been a while."
" Yes it has." She doesn't meet his eyes and stares at the dusty ground beneath her.
" Um... I'm  sorry that I didn't  recognise immediately."
" No it's  fine I wouldn't have either its been a decade." She looks up and gives him a small smile. He cracks a soft chuckle and wraps his arms around her for a hug. She accepts his embrace even though he is sweaty and sticky and smelly

" It's  good to see you." He says warmly. She wouldn't geuss that Daniels would be so kind. She thought that all farmer boys were idiots that are always mean, dirty and half discriminating against strangers.
Just then Jackson approaches.
Smug smile on his face.
" Never thougt I'd see the day where you hug one of them fancy city gals." He says in a southern accent teasing Daniels.

" Jackson meet Layla she's an old friend of mine. Layla meet Jackass.. oh I meen JackSON. He is one of the farmers around here."

Jackson and Layla  each just give each other a nod.

" So what are you doing here?" Daniels asks

" Oh I'm supposed to be staying with you for a few weeks."
"That's going to be a problem..."

" Why?" Layla's mom asks Daniels Mom.
"We're going a way for about two weeks."

" What? What am I supposed to do now?"

Daniels turns to his mother well aware  that they are having the same conversation.

"Mom! Why can't Layla stay with Jackson?!"

" WHAT?!" Layla and Jackson both yell.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2018 ⏰

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