Two ♡

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Hi! Okay so, before I start this chapter I'd just like to say that I'm sorry for y'know,, kinda ditching my stories n' all. Life has just been crazy so,, ye! That's all. Thanks for listening and I hope you enjoy!

A week had passed and quite frankly, not much had changed. Michael still never really noticed (Y/n), and neither did the rest of the school. The only time that he'd ever gotten noticed was in physics, and the good news was that Michael actually seemed to really want to talk to him in that class! The note passing continued, and that made (Y/n) really grateful for being late on that one fateful day.

So grateful in fact that he decided to do something wild, or, at least wild for him.

After the bell for lunch had rung (Y/n) went to his locker to get his lunch and then strolled into the cafeteria. He spotted the red and blue duo sitting in the back corner away from everyone, the kid in the blue cardigan doing something on his phone while Michael watched over his shoulder.

He took a deep breath in and mumbled "you've got this" to himself about a million times as he walked over.

And just as he was doing so Michael noticed him and got up and began to walk over to him.

Of course he didn't really notice, he was stuck in his own world of how horribly things could turn out for him, so their conversation went a little something like this:

"ᴼᴴ ᴰᴱᴬᴿ ᴳᴼᴰ ᴵ'ᵛᴱ ᴮᴱᴱᴺ ˢᴾᴼᵀᵀᴱᴰ"
"Uh!! Nothing! Nothing! H-heeeeeyyyy...??"
"Hey dude. Wanna come sit with us? You're looking a little bit lost." Michael gave one of those smiles that could reduce a heart to mush.
"Oh-! Oh!! Sure! Yes, of course! That'd be.. awesome..!" Cue some nervous giggles as the two walked over to the table.

Once the two were over at the table Jeremy shut off his phone and seemed to be paying full attention to the two, he smiled as he looked over to Michael and asked "Who's this?" with a slightly teasing tone.

"Jeremiah Heere, allow me to introduce you to the one, the only, (Y/n) (Y/l/n)!" Michael gave some jazz hands for added effect as (Y/n) waved.

"It's great to meet you!" He smiled at the tall brunette. (tall kept autocorrecting itself to y'all i literally had to go onto my computer to change it to tall.)

"Ditto!" Jeremy chirped.

Michael and (Y/n) sat down across from each other, and from there the questioning began.

Jeremy had pelted him with question after question, and most of the questions were rather irrelevant to the situation, such as 'opinions on discontinued drinks' or 'if you were trapped in a video game, which would it be and why?' et cetera.

Maybe it was just his way of getting to know someone, but gosh there was an immense amount of pressure to give and answer that Jeremy liked, because he'd frown and give a disapproving nod if he didn't think the answer was good enough, meanwhile Michael was sat quietly facepalming and whispering stuff like "I'm sorry for this."

Eventually the questioning ceased from the bell ringing signalling fourth period. Jeremy stood up, gave (Y/n) a small nod that was paired with a small smile as he said, "I like you. You seem cool." Before quickly pulling Michael out of the cafeteria and started talking to the boy a mile a minute, leaving (Y/n) standing very confused as the lunchroom emptied until he was the only one left, questioning what the hell just happened.

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