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i just wanted to say how sorry i am for completely ditching this book,, i wanted to update it around Halloween last year to make a lil' Halloween thingy, but then i didn't, and then i wanted to do a November thingy, but then i didn't, and then one of my close irl friends started following me on Wattpad (if you're reading this, how's it going?) and then i just,, forgot about it?? bc i'm a dummy dumb?? except for when it got votes and added onto people's reading lists which can i say absolutely fuckin' makes my day that people enjoy this!! i do intend to write a new chapter, but i'm in grade eleven and,, the work load is pretty stressful, so i can't make any promises that it will be soon. however! i am pretty active on my Instagram (because my job is,, through Instagram) if you wanna follow me on there! the @ is asocialheadphones
once again, i'm so super sorry for ditching this book, hopefully i'll see y'all around and i hope you have a lovely day. 💞💞

Michael Mell x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now