Meeting Talia Al Ghul

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Hiya! Icey5105 here!

So... this is the aforementioned meeting of Talia!




Talia wanted to meet this boy. The one who had softened Red Hood's heart, and would likely soon be meeting her son.

Her and a few assassins made their way to Red Hood's apartment. They knew the ex-antihero would not be home. It was a simple in and out gig. If this... Shadow was worthy of her son's acquaintance, then he would be allowed to live. If not... well... the answer was obvious.

She stepped into the apartment and was met with wide brown eyes, "Are you playing Hide and Seek?"

She froze, not responding. She was not prepared for this... adorable child. He was holding a stuffed bear, and staring at her with warm brown eyes. His black hair was unkempt, and his pajamas were blue with small birds on them. She stared as her two MASTER assassins cooed, and bent down next to him.

"Hi, I'm Sarah, this is Cora, and Talia." One smiled, "What's your name?"

"I'm Nico."

"How old are you?" Cora said gently.

"I'm 10 and a half!" Nico grinned, showing off one missing baby tooth.

"Aw..." All three assassins said - and Talia lost all reason and prerogative.

They wound up playing tag, Hide and Seek, and keep away. After all these things, Talia assumed Nico would've been an amazing assassin. They tucked Nico in at 9:00... just as Red Hood got home.

"What are you doing here?" Jason scowled, but there was a hint of fear in his eyes, "Where's Nico?"

Talia shushed him, "The little angel is sleeping. You've got a good kid Hood... don't wreck him... got it?"

Jason was floored, but he nodded, and the Assassins left. The moment they did, Jason rushed to check on Nico. He was sound asleep, okay, and, thank gods, alive.

Jason breathed a sigh of relief, and chucked softly, "You attract danger and avoid it by being adorable... What am I going to do with you?"

The answer was clear to Jason when Nico cuddled up with a teddy bear.

"Love you to pieces. Got it." 

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