Chapter 2

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a/n: hooolyyy crap you guys have no idea how much research I did trying to figure out how to describe the wedding dress. well, I hope you guys liked the first chapter and I know its kinda short but I promise they'll get longer. now back to your scheduled program!

again, I don't own the lunar chronicles.


Cinder nervously fidgeted with her bouquet as the guests took their seats.

She was in a separate hallway than everyone else except for Iko and Thorne. She had picked Thorne to walk her down the aisle because over the course of four years, he had become a sort of brother to her. And of course, Iko was her maid of honor.

Cinder peeked through a crack in the doorway. They had decided to be married in the garden instead of in the throne room because Kai thought it would be a good idea if the moon was a little visible in the day. The sun began to sink over the hills as people filed into their seats.

Cinder could see news reporters and cameras being set up around the outside edges of the audience. They were all too happy when the couple had announced that the wedding would be allowed to be taped, much unlike the last royal Lunar-Earthen wedding.

Her fingers began to fumble with the blue ribbon around her bouquet, which was her something blue, as Iko had insisted the tradition be kept and followed to some degree.

Her engagement ring that had belonged to Kai's mother was her something old, and the necklace Kai had gotten her for their anniversary was her something new. Her something borrowed was the hair clip that Winter had lent her.

But her favorite thing by far was the beautiful bouquet of peonies she held. A small tribute to her sister who Cinder knew would have loved to be a bridesmaid.

She smiled at the thought.

Her attention was brought back to the garden when the music started to gently play. Everyone was now seated and facing the minister.

Her heart began to beat faster.

Cinder heard doors open and out came Kai, Wolf, and Jacin walking down the aisle. Kai had asked Thorne to be his best man without knowing Cinder had already asked Thorne to walk her down the aisle. This led to Thorne saying yes to both and much confusion during the wedding preparations. Not to mention Thorne's ego almost making his head explode.

Nevertheless, he ended up doing both, which was actually extremely fitting for Thorne.

A hand on Cinder's shoulder made her jump away from the door. She turned to face Torin who was smiling.

"You know, I always admired you strength Selene, even before I knew how much you meant to Kai. You bring out the best in him, I don't think I've ever seen him looking happier." Torin beamed down at her.

Cinder smiled and hugged him. She had never experienced much of a fatherly bond before, but was grateful for it now.

"Thank you," she whispered.

Iko turned away from peeking through the crack in the door and Cinder could see that Cress, Thorne, Winter, Jacin, Wolf, and Kai were already at the alter.

Iko turned and gave Cinder a quick hug.

"You can do this," she whispered as she pulled away.

"Oh I should hope so, or else we've wasted a lot of time," she replied sarcastically.

Iko turned around and walked out meeting Scarlet as she walked out of the separate room. Together, they walked down the aisle and got into a line across from the groomsmen.

Suddenly, the music got louder and the audience rose from their seats facing the door.

Thorne turned towards Cinder offering his arm.

"Its time," he said.

Cinder took it and nodded, inhaling deeply.

Nerves humming and heart pounding, she nodded at the servants who opened the doors.

The sunlight flooded in again as she and Thorne walked out. She stared at Kai and only Kai as she made her way up to him. He gaped at her first, his shock quickly turning into pure happiness.

Cinder had opted for no veil, feeling it would bring back memories that she didn't want to relive on this happy day.

When she reached the altar, she turned to Thorne giving him a small hug. He turned and stood behind Kai.

"You look beautiful," he whispered, smiling down at her.

"Thank you," she whispered back.

Silently, she thanked that stars that she couldn't cry or else she'd be a blubbering mess by now.

He took her hands into his and she remembered a time when she would have been mortified that he was holding her bare cyborg hand. A time when she wore gloves to hide her insecurities from the judgmental eyes of the people around her.

But now she knew, with Kai at her side, she would never feel that way again.


Cinder sat at the table laughing as her friends retold the first time they had met her and Kai. People were all around her dancing, eating, drinking, and talking so loud that she could barely hear Thorne reenact her falling out of his prison cell ceiling.

"Imagine if we were placed in different cells, we might not have even met. Oh if only I could have been that lucky," he sighed dramatically as Cinder rolled her eyes.

"Oh sure, but you would have been stuck in that prison cell if it weren't for me, which I'm starting to think would have been a better idea," she answered.

This sent Thorne into a rant to everyone else about how she had needed him more then he had needed her.

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