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Hinata grabbed everything that she thought she would need for her journey. It was decided during the time that Naruto went to train with Master Jiriaya she would go and train to master something she never thought she possessed.


A knock at Hinata's door was heard, she got up and answered it to reveal her cousin Neji.

"Oh hello Neji, is there something you need?" Hinata asked politely while opening her door completely

"Hello Hinata-sama, and Lord Hiashi-sama is requesting your presents in his study immediately." Neji said in his normal voice

"O-ok thank you for informing me Neji-nii-san." she said as she looked past him to her father's study

'Did I do something wrong? Again.' Hinata thought to herself as she stood at the study

She was hesitate about knocking on the door but didn't have to because her father knew she was there and told her to "enter" in the normal harsh and cold tone he uses with Hinata. She stepped in through the door and sat down in front on the brown hair Bykugan user.

"Hello father." she said in her timid voice

"Hinata do you know why I called you in here?" Hiashi asked ignoring Hinata's greeting

"N-no." she said shyly

"Of course you wouldn't, but for once you must not worry you aren't in trouble." Hiashi told her

She looked up shocked and didn't say anything as her elder continued to speak

"Do you know why your mother died so shortly after having your sister?" he asked another question she couldn't fully understand why he would ask such a thing

"Natural causes?" she said unsure of her self

"No. It's because she had, the ten tailed beast inside of her." he said looking her in the eyes

"Lies. Mother didn't have that beast inside of her because the Akatski never came looking for her." Hinata said with the first amount of bravery she has every used well speaking with her father

"They did but only before you and your sister were born. Now stay quiet so I can finish." he ordered her

She obeyed and sat quietly on the floor listening.

"Due to the fact of being a female jinchuuriki and pregnant the seal that holds the beast in would be weaken but she managed with you. Your sister however was a different story, she couldn't go through another birth keeping the beast in her." he paused to make sure Hinata was still with him

"She gave birth to your sister and the beast was released but quickly put under a genijutsu. She didn't want to seal it in your sister because she was so young and she feared she wouldn't be able to control it. She believed you could control such a beast with great power, she sealed it in you. But due to the fact that she over did it her body give out as well as her heart." Hiashi told her looking at her in the eyes

She shook her head in disbelief.

"I don't believe you! You're lying, you're just coming up with another reason to hate me!" Hinata shouted which was out of character for her

For once in her life she was getting angry and at her father. But then he noticed that her eyes turned light blue and she had pupils. Her teeth began to grow sharper. Her father didn't know what to do because she had never gotten angry before this is new to both of them.

Her father did something unexpected for the both of them. He pulled Hinata into a tight, warming hug that made her calm down. He released her and looked at her.

"Please forgive me if I ever made you feel worthless or unwanted. I didn't know how to raise girls on my own and when you sparred with you sister and lost I believed your mother made the wrong choice. Meaning I thought she died putting the beast in the wrong child and it was a lost cost." Hiashi said

"Father I will master the ten tails and I will finally make you proud. I will show you that mother's life was not thrown away for nothing. I'll make both of you proud." Hinata told her father voice full of determination

He looked his daughter with soft eyes and...smiled?!

"Hinata, you and Naruto become the strongest jinchuuriki this ninja world has ever seen and prove which village is strongest. Make me and the 4th hokage proud." he said and with that Hinata left


She said her farewells at the Hyuga compound then she walked towers the Hokage Tower. She walked in and then up the stairs. She knocked on the door and waited for an answer, when she heard one she walked in and towards Lady Tsunade and smiled shyly.

"Yes Hinata?" Lady Tsunade said

"I-I was hoping t-that m-m-maybe you would allow me t-to go a-away for a bit?" Hinata asked stuttering

Tsunade intertwined her fingers and placed her head on too of her hands.

"How long are you trying to leave." she asked the young navy blue haired girl

"Maybe t-three years, t-that's how long N-Naruto-kun will be gone r-right?" Hinata said/asked the hokage with a tint of pink of her cheeks

Oh I see she is trying to prove herself to Naruto. Tsunade thought as a smirk appeared on her face

"Very well you may leave but you must return back here in three years. When you have reached the age of sixteen." the hokage told her

Hinata nodded her head and bowed, with that she walked out the Hokage Tower and towards the village gates. She looked back at it and smiled.

"Good bye Konaha, for now." she said softly then took off


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