That's not your Color

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Hinata woke up rubbing her eyes. She yawned and glanced over to her right to see a head full of blue. She smiled and gently got out of bed trying not to wake her male counter-part up.

She walked down to the kitchen and silently started making breakfast. She had eggs, bacon, toast, and fruit salads prepared for them all. Once she finished she set the table and smiled to herself.

She walked up the stairs and to their rooms. First was Natsuhika.

"Natsu-kun, it's time to get up." she said softly while shaking him slightly

He groaned and rolled over. She sighed knowing that this was gonna keep up for a little bit.

"Hika-kun get up please." she whined hoping that would work

Again he rolled over and put the pillow over his head. She rolled her eyes and started hitting him with a pillow. He responded by catching the pillow and throwing it.

Hinata sighed loudly and got on top of him.

"Hika-kun it's time to wake up." She whispered in his ear

Apparently he felt this because he blushed and slowly opened his eyes.

"Hi-Hinata-chan what are you doing in here, and why are you on top of me?" he asked continuing to blush

"I needed you to get up because I made breakfast. Wouldn't want it going bad now would we?" she said/asked and winked at the end while getting off him

She walked out the room and into Hiroshi's room.

'It took forever to wake Natsu-kun up, maybe I'll just jump on him.' she thought as she stood in front of him

Hinata shrugged her shoulders then jumped on him. Hiroshi woke up shaking and freaking out.

"Morning Hiroshi-kun." she smiled and got off him

"Hi Hinata-chan." he said while trying to calm himself

"Breakfast is ready." she said as she walked out

Now she was waking up the demon. She walked in his room and did something that probably seemed like a death wish to anyone else.


He woke up and gave her a death glare. Considering how she was a Hyuga, she had a new found confidence, and she had some of the scariest friends ever, she gave him an even scarier glare.

"What's wrong little Atsuo doesn't want to get up?" she asked creepily getting close to him

He jumped out of his bed and ran out his room. She stood there and laughed like an escaped insane person. She walked into her room and saw the other Hinata.

She walked over to him and poked his cheek slightly causing him to stir. She rolled her eyes and put her hands on his face and smushed it together.

His eyes fluttered open and he looked around to see who's room he was in.

"Sorry Hinata-chan." he apologized

"It's ok, now let's go eat." she said calmly

When they walked in they saw that they others were staring at the food and drooling.

"Don't let me stop you from eating." she said while pushing the blue haired male

As the two Hinata(s) sat down they stared at the food and grinned like idiots.

"LET'S EAT!!!!!" they all shouted

They started eating every piece of food that was on the table. when they were done they sat back and rubbed their stomachs.

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